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General health

Ct scan

3 replies

shiningstar2013 · 30/06/2013 14:51

How long does it take to have an abdominal ct scan. I have to take gastrogastin before it and may need an injection of more when I get there.

OP posts:
CMOTDibbler · 01/07/2013 18:56

TBF Erebus, I don't often see purely diagnostic CTs these days!

Erebus · 01/07/2013 18:47

Blimey, CMOT- we get 12 and a half minutes for an abdo CT including cannulation! Grin

Our pts only hydrate with a litre of water for the hour prior which they can do at home or on the bus. We do have a whizz-bang scanner so, unless we're looking specifically for an intestinal 'leak' or an abscess or suchlike, we only use water and IV Omnipaque.

CMOTDibbler · 30/06/2013 15:59

The actual scan will only take a few seconds, but the whole thing may take 30 minutes with getting you in the room, injections etc

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