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Do children HAVE to be unwell to get chickenpox?

7 replies

Heartmum2Jamie · 19/05/2006 11:27

Only, my ds (23 months) has a spots that look suspiciously like the pox (I am guessing as ds1 not had them yet). He felt a tad warm the other day, but not warm enough to warrent giving him anything. He didn't sleep well that night, so I relented and gave him calpol thinking it could be back teeth. He was right as rain yesterday...but now....spots!!

Do they have to be unwell to have chickenpox?? He is sneezing a little but has hayfever.

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Heartmum2Jamie · 19/05/2006 13:22

Thank you all! Gp has said he would put money on it being CP, but can't be certain as the spots are still quite new. I am glad to know that he won't nessecarily be unwell or even have tons of spots.

Thanksfully, I have had CP, as well as my dh. It's just my ds1, who will be 5 in 1 week who hasn't had it (poor lovely will probably have it for his birthday :o )

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cat64 · 19/05/2006 13:18

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LIZS · 19/05/2006 13:02

No they can be fine, just spotty , but ds did become sleepy a day or two in

GDG · 19/05/2006 12:58

No. My two had it at 3.5 and 21 months and neither were ill with it at all. They got it in the summer too - they weren't immunocompromised when they caught it and they didn't feel ill with it either.

coppertop · 19/05/2006 12:56

Neither of my 2 boys were unwell when they had CP. In fact the first I knew that ds1 had it was when the school phoned late one morning to tell me that spots had started appearing on him.

moyasmum · 19/05/2006 12:54

Agree with sparkler1 - Dd1 had slight smiffles and about 4 spots I was expecting a whole lot more and was amazed she got away so lightly.H2J,
have you had chicken pox as a child ?
I never did and as a result of dd1 I got the full works which was truely horrid.
Grateful though because 3 months later i was preg with dd2 ,so dd1 did me a great favour.
best wishes

sparkler1 · 19/05/2006 11:30

No they don't always get unwell. My dds were fine - just the spots that gave it away.

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