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Hypermobility and incontinence -please help

2 replies

Corygal · 04/05/2013 21:00

I am extremely stretchy, pass all the hypermobility tests, and my doc laughs it off. But around my period my bladder muscles give up completely and I leak miserably.

Bought a new skirt and just had to put it in the washing machine after a couple of hours - stained with piss where I'd fallen asleep briefly and woken to a leak.

Is there anything I can do? It's so unpleasant.

OP posts:
gussiegrips · 10/05/2013 11:49

Just saw this, am swooping in on pissy threads in order to avoid parenting my three puking kids...

I'm a physio and fanjo warrior.

Your pelvic floor hangs off of ligaments - so, as you are hypermobile, your risk of incontinence is increased. And, as your hormone levels fluctuate during your cycle, so does the stretchiness of your ligaments, so you leak more at some times than others.

Have a look at my website (link via my profile, don't want to flout advertising) and #doyerblardyexercises.

Might be worth considering having a proper assessemtn from a continence physio, sometimes pessaries can be really helpful for stretchy folk like you.

PM me if you like, or I'll check back here in a bit - kids are whining. Sheesh. If I get their bug I'll be pishy too...

Littlefish · 04/05/2013 21:31

You shouldn't have to put up with it. Ask your GP to refer you to a urogynaecologist. If your GP won't refer you, ask to see another GP in the practice.

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