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General health

Standing up too fast

2 replies

banana87 · 01/04/2013 11:57

Over the past week, everytime I go from sitting to standing I see black stars (not completely over my vision, just at the top and bottom) and go all hot. I've taken my BP and its on the low side of normal, but not worryingly low. Do I have a brain tumor???

OP posts:
EllieArroway · 01/04/2013 13:56

It probably is to do with your lowish BP. I have low BP and have had this all my life.

But, if it's new to you and it's happening every single time you stand up, I would see the GP. It really, really doesn't sound like a brain tumour :)

Jollyb · 01/04/2013 12:03

Brain tumour unlikely. Try postural hypotension instead.

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