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General health

Weird one sided head problems!

3 replies

AngryFeet · 27/03/2013 14:06

So I noticed yesterday and today that I had a runny nose but only on the right side of my face (so just one nostril), then today my right eye keeps streaming and there is a small swelling under my ear on that side too.

Do I have a one sided cold?! Confused

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AngryFeet · 27/03/2013 17:00

Ah ok thanks. Will try that.

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hiddenhome · 27/03/2013 16:57

Sounds like things are getting blocked on one side only. The small swelling under your ear is probably a lymph gland which can swell during infections.

Try some steam inhalations. Sometimes, only one side of your sinuses will block, so you get a one sided headache and blocked nose.

AngryFeet · 27/03/2013 16:55


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