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General health

Reflux or gallbladder ?

35 replies

Runwayqueen · 09/03/2013 01:04

I'm on omoprozole (sp) for what my gp has suggested is reflux. I thought I had got the reflux under control but in the last four weeks I've had 3 bouts of severe pain. It's much more intense than the pain I've associated with the reflux, and it happens regardless of taking the omoprozole. A colleague has suggested possible gallbladder issue, as the pain is so much more intense, and along with the severe bouts I've also been in discomfort with although much more mildly. Pain is accompanied by vomiting.

Anybody had anything similar?

OP posts:
Runwayqueen · 08/04/2013 18:08

Gallstones confirmed today.

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Amani · 08/04/2013 19:47

Next steps?

Runwayqueen · 08/04/2013 20:15

Bloodwork is being done next week and once that is back my gp will refer me to the hospital for surgery. In the meantime it's continuing with diet control and pain management during an attack.

As strange as seems to say this, I'm chuffed its gallstones as its controllable and resolvable Smile (mad I know)

OP posts:
Montybojangles · 08/04/2013 21:11

Have you been tested for H pylori infection?

Runwayqueen · 08/04/2013 21:16

Eeeek I don't even know what that is Sad

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SailorVie · 08/04/2013 21:21

Shotgun - what was the dietary advice you came across?

Runwayqueen · 08/04/2013 21:37

I've had the standard advise, but a few good friends suggested I started to use coconut oil instead of olive, and so far no problems on the days I've used it, but also wouldn't mind hearing shotguns thoughts

OP posts:
Montybojangles · 09/04/2013 06:26

It's a bacteria that is linked to gastric problems.

Montybojangles · 09/04/2013 06:27

Glad you know it's gall stones

Runwayqueen · 09/04/2013 08:52

Thank you. Now for the waiting game. Does anyone know roughly how long the waiting list is? I've had 3 and 18 months suggested

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