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benzoyl peroxide - where can I get it?

28 replies

StarlightMcKenzie · 18/02/2013 15:19

It seems to have disappeared from the shelves and online costs a fortune.

Help anyone?

OP posts:
LaurenLaverne · 23/02/2013 20:55

Its 50g, and it cost £7.90. Is that the same size as in NI?

ihearthuckabees · 24/02/2013 09:52

My local pharmacy said they hadn't been able to get hold of any for ages, but couldn't tell me what the supply problem was. Really annoying isn't it? It is the only thing that works for me too.

fairymxqq · 07/04/2013 16:33

I was searching on internet for several days and found quite a few cool websites but at the end of the day I still think the best choice is there: eBay

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