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General health

Iritis/uveitis -anyone got any experience?

28 replies

BettySpaghetti · 28/04/2006 12:01

3 years ago I had iritis in one of my eyes. I can't remember how it started other than to begin with I thought (as did the GP) it was conjunctivitis.

Anyway last night and today one of my eyes hurts in bright light and is looking a bit pink. I'm 99% sure its not conjunctivitis but not sure if its iritis/uveitis again or just sore from a foreign body or something.

Anyone got any experience? (especially if they've had it more tham once as I know this can be an indication of an underlying illness/problem).


PS - I know I need to go to the GP really but I think I'm just hoping I won't need to as its PITA if they send me to Opthamology as DD's at school, I have DS with me, I'll need to drive there and might not be allowed to drive back cos of eye drops, DPs not working nearby etc etc....sorry wibbling on a bit now Smile

OP posts:
SaintofGeorgia · 31/05/2006 14:19

Noooo, mascara a big no no if she is a regular sufferer.

Anything in the eye is likely to cause an attack. I rarely wear eye makeup at all, it honestly isn't worth the trouble. I can understand a teenager finding it bit more difficult going without though Smile

happyrose · 12/01/2016 10:58

Did any of you have uveitis while pregnant? Were you given any treatment? I started a new thread here and would love your help :)

happyrose · 12/01/2016 11:00
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