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General health

Teething - calpol and nurofen

29 replies

Kittypickle · 16/01/2004 12:36

I'm sure this has been posted before but I haven't got time to look through. DS (18 weeks) is teething, can see the offending tooth and having a very bad time of it. He's had a bad couple of days, but today is not good, he's screamed and screamed pretty much since he woke up. I've been to the doctors just to check he didn't have earache etc. but forgot to ask whether I can alternate between calpol and nurofen. I haven't got a bottle of nurofen to look at, does anyone know ? And is there anything else I can do for him - tried Bonjela & Ashton & Parsons powders. Thank you

OP posts:
HunkerMunker · 24/01/2005 23:35

Excellent! Email me when you can get into your account (which I hope is soon - the thought of being without my email account makes me positively faint!)

fee77 · 27/01/2005 14:31

I got the anbesol from boots - if anyone else is interested, make sure you get the liquid, apparently they do a gel for adults

lunavix · 27/01/2005 14:34

We use Calpol alternating with Calprofen (but ds is older than six months)

Also use Nelson's 'Teetha' they're crystals that dissolve in the mouth and work really well! Available in most health food places and also have seen them in Lloyds (pharmacy not bank!)

Also found Boots own brand of teething gel much better than calgel or bonjela. Lots stronger.

Health food shops also do like an essential oil to put on their cheeks, it's a teething one, we use one (got a good friend at a local health food shop) and that too is great...

bundle · 27/01/2005 14:35

anbesol is the best, the liquid kind

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