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Shall I just give up and have this tooth out ?

31 replies

gingeroots · 30/09/2012 03:09

Upper molar with full gold crown .
Suspected cracked root .
Suspected calcification of nerve .

Dental hospital recommend that my dentist removes gold crown and checks if root is cracked .
My dentist says this is a no go as removal will break tooth and he is saying root filling through crown and then "we'll see " if root is cracked .
Also saying that it's possible nerve is calcified ( hosp didn't mention this ) and that this may prevent root filling .

We didn't discuss removal but I'm wondering if I shouldn't ask for that ...

OP posts:
Willabywallaby · 03/10/2012 17:31

Anyway back to the OP, what did you decide?

Shesparkles · 03/10/2012 17:36

I have a problem with a tooth that's niggled away of a few years. I was discussing options with my dentist and he was saying that dentists are going away from the previous idea of saving a tooth no matter what, because of the recent advances in alternatives, such as implants and good bridgework.
This has meant that instead of me having yet more root canal work (which is unlikely to be successful anyway due to weird roots)'and cut my losses and get rid of the tooth then get a bridge 6 months after I've had the extraction.
OK so it's going to cost a few quid, but over the last few years it greets like I've thrown good money after bad on this tooth, so this should be an end to it

gingeroots · 03/10/2012 18:35

I've not decided >>typical emiticon

OP posts:
lambethlil · 03/10/2012 18:39

Where is the tooth and does it hurt?

gingeroots · 03/10/2012 21:19

Upper molar .
Yes has been causing pain for over a year ( dentist originally thought sinus ) has flared up 2 or 3 times and pain moves up into excruiciating ( sorry about sp ).

OP posts:
crazycarol · 06/10/2012 23:35

I had an upper molar give me grief. Had a filling, lost a filling, had it refilled. Had an abcess, took antibiotics, went away (for a while). Had a "niggle". Dentist did RCT, "niggle" didnt really go. Had more RCT.

Then as it wasn't right decided on extraction. Dentist said the took "broke up" as it was extracted and there was puss around the root (sorry TMI). Wish I had gone with extraction to begin with. It would have saved me ££ and a year and a half of bother.

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