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General health

Not fair - cystisis AND a dodgy tummy!

2 replies

BudaBabe · 21/03/2006 08:50

And it's TOTM! Feeling blagh blagh blagh.

OP posts:
BudaBabe · 21/03/2006 08:59

Cystitis first. It's mild and I'm hoping to shift it without anti-bs. Drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. Also have baking soda which really seems to help.

Dodgy tummy this morning - hopefully was a one off!

OP posts:
Marina · 21/03/2006 08:52

Which came first? Because if the dodgy tummy has contributed to bacteria causing the cystitis, it will affect which anti-b they prescribe to clear it.
You poor thing, bad luck :( Hope you feel better soon

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