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General health

ME/CFS is a real illness

114 replies

garlicbutter · 01/03/2012 19:07

Oh, I just need to sound off after things getting a bit heated on another thread.

Fibromyalgia included also. I don't get huge amounts of pain, but do spend huge amounts of time resting so that probably helps.

I'm pissed off that my occupational therapy turned out to be "Learning How To Be Ill" and that I'm going to have to appeal (again) against my DLA refusal.

I'm pissed off that I spend so much time on Mumsnet because I can put it down every 20 minutes and change my activity/position. Also that it's practically my only contact with the outside world.

I'm just generally pissed off Grin

Fellow knackered whingers, feel free to rant!

I'll be back in 20 minutes.

OP posts:
Solo · 04/03/2012 02:56

I stopped visiting the GP about my ME as I always think 'well, they can't do anything for me, so what's the point in going'. Sad really :(

ArthurPewty · 04/03/2012 08:30

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

garlicbutter · 04/03/2012 10:08

Leonie, my GP told me they can now prescribe melatonin in the UK - I asked. I use Zolpidem which works very well, so didn't bother switching. But I shall do if I develop resistance to the zolpidem. Had melatonin in hospital some years back; it's effective.

OP posts:
ArthurPewty · 04/03/2012 10:36

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

belleshell · 20/03/2012 14:33

i have just spent the last 2 days in bed..... the only way i can explain how i feel is like a air bed where the pillow is still inflated and the bed as deflated.....from my head down i am deflated i have no energy the simplest things are difficult.... yet im not depressed, or lazy...I have ME! you cant see it but its there, i hate not been able to do things with my kids, make plans to go out with friends and dread anything that means im out of the house past 7pm at night...i want the active party goer men back and not this ME!

rant over...

can you explain how you feel...can you put it into words...i find it so hard to explain

Saltire · 20/03/2012 14:43

I ahve Fibromyalgia - at least thats the offical diagnosis.

Many pain clinic consultants since then ahve made it out to be somethign different

1 - "It's caused by migraines, as you ahve admitted that you suffer from migraines" - well that would work if I ahd migraine every day(which I don't) as I have pain every day
2- it's not Fibromyalgi, it's stress/depression
3 - We'll give you a very high does of amitryptiline and sleeping pills and you'll feel a lot better
4 - Lose all the excess weight and you will be pain free forever

I also know I am "lucky" with my Fibro as I don't have bad flare up pain all teh time, just what I call my "background pain". I also have long episodes of fatigue, such as snow, and then i'm fine. I ma now working part time though, as this time alst year I was doing 10 hour days and it nearly killed me.

Many people hav ethis thing that because I look ok, then I must be fine

RockinD · 20/03/2012 16:37

In February 2010 an endocrinologist told me I had CFS and a sleep disorder. He said that there was help available, but discharged me from his clinic, to which I had been referred as my GP thought there was an endocrine element to my symptoms (extreme fatigue, insomnia, muscle twitching, cold, thinning hair (everywhere), peeling fingernails and extreme muscle and joint pain).

This particular consultant told me before I even sat down that there was nothing hormonally wrong with me and was not prepared to acknowledge that NHS blood tests showed that I probably had a thyroid problem and that I definitely had a B12 deficiency and a ferritin deficiency. I then had a private thyroid screen carried out which showed quite clearly that I had a problem, so I sent the results to that consultant, along with the lab's quality assurance document, and asked him what he was going to do.

He referred me to a colleague and I have now been treated for the thyroid problem and the vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I am not completely fixed, but I would say I am 75/80% well and able to work full-time and have a social life, which had not been the case for some years before I started treatment.

In my case a diagnosis of CFS was definitely a cop out. The leaflet that the NHS hands out states that there is no definitive diagnostic test, no treatment, and an infinite variety of symptoms. Why should we accept a diagnosis on that basis?


sportsfanatic · 20/03/2012 17:13

When GPs order blood tests they tend to order the same set for everyone. DH was really ill with bizarre symptoms such as memory fog, pins and needles, always cold, panic-like attacks, migraines, fatigue - too many symptoms to name really. We were frantic to get a diagnosis and of course, after they had ruled out MS and motor neurone disease months later one 'specialist' came up with fibromyalgia. If in doubt use ME, CFS or fibromyalgia it seems (diagnosis by exclusion), which is hardly helpful those genuinely suffering from one of these horrible conditions.

Finally, the GP ordered another round of blood tests including some that were missing in the previous ones. Turns out his folic acid level had fallen off the cliff. Within days (literally) of folic acid treatment his memory was restored and over the next three months all the other symptoms gradually disappeared, though he had been ill for so long that it took him over a year to return to normal health.

Yet doctors only worry about folic acid it seems where pregnancy is concerned. They do not seem to appreciate how serious folic acid deficiency is as there is so little research done on it outside the pregnancy situation.

DH and I have wondered how many people with undiagnosed conditions have folic acid (or other deficiencies) that are never tested for.

Folic acid deficiency serious messes up every cell in the body because folate is essential for DNA synthesis, repair and methylation.

I don't want to derail this ME thread and apologies for being off-thread a little, but for anyone with bizarre, vague collection of undiagnosed symptoms I would seriously suggest you insist on a folic acid test in your blood tests.

CFSKate · 20/03/2012 21:16

I've just read in Chat that Emily Collingridge has died. She was 30/31.

KeelaToo · 19/09/2016 12:52

Hello - and apologies for posting on a very old thread.

I did a search for ME/CFS and this one came up - and it turns out that the first post in the thread was made on the day that I became too ill with ME to work again. :(

However since then I've taken up campaigning on various ME issues and I also keep a blog with info on the pacing techniques that helped me.

I think there is now a possibility of real change in the ME world and I recently wrote a post encouraging folk to sign ME petitions.

There are two petitions linked in this post.

I wonder would any peeps on here consider signing and sharing these petitions?

Many thanks.

Sally (aka Keela Too)

PS I am a mum of 4. They are now all adult.... however when I first became ill with ME the youngest 2 were teenagers and still living at home. I remain very grateful that I had already got them organised to do their own washing etc. so that my incapacity, when it hit, was not so much of a shock to the running of the house!

I think it must be most incredibly difficult to come down with ME when children are small. xx

Badders123 · 19/09/2016 19:41

Knackered whingers!?
I have found my people!!! Grin
Was dx with cfs in 97
Been ill since 95
Currently in peri menopause and undergoing tests for sleep apnoea
Life is NOT fun atm Sad
gentle Hugs to those that need them

CFSKate · 01/10/2016 11:41
nattygk · 05/10/2016 22:51

I have fibro had it for 10 years and it sucks pain is horrible the fatigue is worst and the brain fog migraines oh and to top it off I have a shattered elbow and waiting for surgery I just sometimes want to scream

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