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General health

HELP ADVICE please dd has just had a nasty bump on the head!!

15 replies

onefootinthegravy · 21/01/2006 18:41

My dd 2.11n has tripped in the toilet and banged her head on the toilet - this happened about an hour ago - she hasnt split the skin but has a big lump over her eyebrow - this happened about 5.00pm and it took her a good 20 mins to stop crying ad calm down. She has since had her tea and seems ok in herself is a bit whingey - but this bump is quite big and looks very sore. She doesnt seem dizzy or unco-ordinated but just wondered if any of you have experience of this - would you take her to a&e or do I only need to worry if she's sick - is that a dangerous place to bump?
God I feel like a terrible mum!! I was on here yesterday after she got a bead stuck up her nose which I sorted out after some great advice from MN!!
Just wondering whether you could all help me again?

OP posts:
onefootinthegravy · 23/01/2006 10:10

Yes I do get to see my family and friends now and then, I think I'm just getting used to being away, I have lived in the same place for 35 years and this has been a great upheaval for me, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
We have various do's to go to in the sergeants mess a lot, but some of the wives are quite bitchy I find, not to me in particular, but I hear one wife saying something nasty about another wife and the next minute talking to her like she's her best mate. TBH I can't be bothered with all that, so I'm just pleasant to everyone but never put down my guard IYKWIM!! Its put me off a bit I have to say!!! I'm sure the're are some nice ones but it feels quite competitive and I feel better off out of it!

OP posts:
Misspiggy · 22/01/2006 20:09

Excellent! She'll be showing off that bruise at Playschool tomorrow It's hard when your DH is away a lot, everything is down to you and that gets v lonely doesn't it? If he goes away for extended periods are you able to go home for a visit and catch up with friends and family - perhaps they could come and stay with you for a weekend or something? Make enquiries about Wives Club as well (we spoke about it on Pumpkin's thread the other night I think) - might not be your cup of tea but you never know.

onefootinthegravy · 22/01/2006 18:38

Absolutely fine, had a really good night as always and is back to herself, has a big black bruise over her eyebrow but it didnt stop her playing football and golf with me and daddy at the park this sfternoon.
Thanks for asking and your great advice its really nice to have mates on MN. Moved away from all my family and friends in July so I'm a bit lost her in army married quarters, its all a bit clicky. With Dh being in the army, Im on my own with dd quite a lot, she goes to playschool and has a far better social life than me!!! Its great to chat to others and you're concern means alot.

OP posts:
Misspiggy · 22/01/2006 16:07

Hi! How is she today OFITG?

Misspiggy · 21/01/2006 19:05

Awww...don't blame her TBH! Hope she has a good night.

onefootinthegravy · 21/01/2006 19:01

Thanks Misspiggy - I tried that but dd hates the cold and was not impressed!!! so I left it !!

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onefootinthegravy · 21/01/2006 18:59

Thanks for all your support, going to get her ready for bed now as she is very tired which to be expected after today - will have our monitor on all night tonight jic she's sick and hopefully she'll feel better tommorrow
Thanks again xxx

OP posts:
Misspiggy · 21/01/2006 18:57

Oh no...she's having a lousy couple of days isn't she?! If the bump was in the temple area of her head it might be more of a cause for concern but the skull is quite thick around the forehead area. Why don't you try a cold compress on her bump? That should help with the swelling and ease the discomfort a little as well. Give NHS Direct a call if you're not happy (0845 4647) They are always so helpful and should put your mind at rest.

soapbox · 21/01/2006 18:50

Their skulls are still very flexible at this age. We once took DS to A&E after a bad fall when he was being repeatedly sick.

They said it would take a 6 foot fall onto concrete to do much damage at his age! It turned out, after a night in hospital, that he had a tummy bug and hte sickness was unrelated to the head injury

I wouldn't worry too much, unless she seems dazed, is vomiting or very sleepy!

onefootinthegravy · 21/01/2006 18:48

Yes, I gave her some nurofen straight away, hopefully that'll help it just looks so awful - she has hit her head before, but this was a real crack! But she seems ok at the moment.

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waterfalls · 21/01/2006 18:47

It was the paramedic who told me being sick was normal for a banged head but only once, he also said if they feel sleepy let them sleep, dont try and keep them awake (though of cause if she is unusualy sleepy she needs to be seem)

waterfalls · 21/01/2006 18:44

If you get worried call NHS, I did this when DS hit his head, and they called an ambulance (just a precaution dont panic)

onefootinthegravy · 21/01/2006 18:43

Our nearest a&e is a 40 mile round trip - we've been in town all day - and she has walked her little socks off so she is very tired - I really don't fancy a 5 hour wait at a&e with a overtired dd!!

OP posts:
waterfalls · 21/01/2006 18:43

Being sick once is to be expected, any more she would need medical attention, a lump is a good sign too, give some calpol she probably has a headache.

Twigzilla · 21/01/2006 18:43

signs to look out for .. vomiting, disconnectedness, drowsiness when not bedtime

crying and bumps are both good signs

why feel like a terrible mum .. they all do it .. am very surprised you got to nearly 3 without a head bump

relax. . she sounds like she'll be fine

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