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Welcome to the Wheelie-drome! (wheelchairs and all mobility stuff)

51 replies

ThisIsANiceCage · 08/08/2011 17:08

A thread to share tips and technology for making life that little bit better when walking is a problem - temporarily or longer term.

There's so much good mobility kit out there. But it can take ages to discover gizmo X even exists, never mind that it will be the answer to our prayers. A far cry from the deluge of information and adverts we're all bombarded with about whizzy new features for pushchairs and cars,

So I thought it would be nice to have a place where we can share MN's vast experience in all matters wheelie and walkie.

OP posts:
BeyondCBA · 14/01/2016 18:26

Fab idea for a thread!

I just want to recommend (no affiliation!) for, well, allsorts. I got my smart crutches via them, scooter, powerchair, manual chair..! Grin

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