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General health

Vasectomies - anybody's DH's had after-effects YEARS after?

2 replies

JESSnutsRoastinOnAnOpenFire · 21/11/2005 16:37

I am going into over-drive today with my posts on the Health forum.. it's this family of mine!!

DH had a vasectomy 4 years ago. Had some post-op trauma at the time (it was a general anaesthetic due to a local not being poss and think he was manhandled a bit) but that eventually settled down.

Early this year one of his tesitcles swelled quite alarmingly and was sore although not sore enough to make us think it was a testicular torsion which is quite serious and an emergency I believe. He saw the doc who thought it might be an infection.. prescribed antibiotics and booked a scan.

Swelling went down way before the scan date.. had scan.. all ok and 'normal' but a small cyst was noted on opposite testicle to the swelling.

A couple of months later he got a noticable lump on the side that had swelled previously. GP thought it felt like a cyst and booked him an appointment with the consultant just to be sure. (No scan.)

By the time the appointment came (2 weeks ago) the lump had reduced in size. The consultant (who has the name Mr. P. Pollock on his door altho I don't think this was he!) said that all felt ok.. that the 'thickenings' he could feel were quite common in men who have had vasectomies and 1 in 6 of them will get these problems. He said that the sperm can collect (because they can't get out) and cause small cysts and sometimes blood filled areas which will drain and go away in time. (This is just sperm.. not fluid.. not if anyone is going to suggest we have more marital relations in order to relieve him.. not relevant! )

We had never been told this before despite his previous problems!

The lump is now gone entirely, but over the weekend, one of them (not sure which... have lost track!) has swelled again and was VERY sore yesterday! DH spent day in shorts, mincing and wincing about the house dramatically!

Seems a bit better today. Has not made a doctor's appointment as he thinks that people will start to believe he has a fetish about exposing his b*llox esp. as our GP is a lady! Anyway, he consultant said that these problems may come and go and he can ignore them unless he's worried.

Does anyone else's man have these problems with their testicles, or is just mine???!

SJ x

OP posts:
JESSnutsRoastinOnAnOpenFire · 21/11/2005 18:04

Glad it was successfully sorted MB!

Must be just my DH then, re the post-snip peculiarities! Hyperchondriac weirdo that he is.. love him!

OP posts:
Blandmum · 21/11/2005 16:52

Well, mine lost one of his to testicular cancer 11 years ago!
Good on your dh for checking, every man should check his balls

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