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DS eaten facepaints - should I be worried?

7 replies

mamaoftwo · 12/10/2005 16:55

He's 16 months. Eaten about 4 face paint crayons. says nothing on packet about beinig toxic or not - they're not from a recognised shop.

What should i do?

He seems okay but obviously didn't enjoy it as he was gagging a bit. given lots of water to drink.

OP posts:
mamaoftwo · 13/10/2005 19:47

Not quite rainbow JoolsToo - but a very strange green colour!

Other than that he's completely fine!

OP posts:
JoolsToo · 12/10/2005 17:20

ooh - rainbow poo!

he should be fine

mamaoftwo · 12/10/2005 17:03

Thanks Bugsy. Yes, I know. I once discovered some wax crayon in his nappy which I hadn't realised he'd eaten! (I do supervise him sometimes!)

OP posts:
flamebat · 12/10/2005 17:02

Don't you love the way he still ate 4 though, even when he was gagging?

Again. no advice though

mamaoftwo · 12/10/2005 17:02

Thanks namesake! They are only tiny and I fished quite a bit out of his mouth, but he'd still had a good go at them all.

I've just given him a plain rice cake, as I thought he probably had a dreadful taste in his mouth. I feel a bit stupid calling NHS direct, but will do if he shows any worrying signs of course.

PS His face is a picture, but I'll tackle that later! My main concern is about the toxicity...

OP posts:
Bugsy2 · 12/10/2005 17:01

only worry for yourself when you have to change his nappy. These things seem to come out as they went in - well PlayDoh definitely does!!!

HappyMumof2 · 12/10/2005 16:58

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