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General health

sore throat and lump in my throat when i swallow... what is it?

5 replies

juicychops · 27/12/2010 22:07

when i stick my finger down my throat i can feel a hard lump i dont know if this is supposed to be there or if its new due to my cold or if this is even the lump i can feel when i swallow, but when i do swallow its like i have something stuck in my throat. its really uncomfortable

i have a bad cold and sore throat and all bunged up etc im sure its something to do with that but not had this feeling before. when i open my mouth wide i cant see the lump or anything. it feels like its in the area an adams apple would be

docs isn't open until wednesday and will prob be impossible to get an appointment so thought id ask for advice on here.

OP posts:
alypaly · 28/12/2010 01:02

juicychops are you under alot of stress at the moment

RumourOfAHurricane · 27/12/2010 23:11

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juicychops · 27/12/2010 22:39

thanks elibean for replying. ie had the cold for days but only the lump thing since i woke up today. will see how it feels tomorrow. ive been worrying all day im going to choke or my throat will close up

OP posts:
Elibean · 27/12/2010 22:35

Its quite possibly a lymph gland - but in any case, whilst you're so unwell with cold and sore throat, would probably be hard for a doctor to tell either! I'm sure you're right that the two are connected, but if its still there when your cold starts getting better, obviously see doc.

Or if it gets worse, go to out of hours or even A&E, for peace of mind. I've had sensations like that briefly with bad throat conditions, but not for days on end. Hope it goes soon, sounds horrid!

juicychops · 27/12/2010 22:31

bump please advice greatly needed.

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