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Do young toddlers vetebrae stick out?

6 replies

Twiglett · 31/08/2005 18:07

stupid question .. but in the small of her back DD (sixteen months) has a very prominent vetebrae .. I have also noticed a red mark in that place when she's been in her car seat a while

normal? or worth getting checked?


OP posts:
charleypops · 01/09/2005 21:32

Giraffeski - it might be a sacral pit - do a search on the internet, there's also an old thread on here about them. If you can see the bottom of it (ie it's not a hole) it's of no significance, just have to be careful to keep it clean. They're not uncommon.

Twiglett · 01/09/2005 21:25

I looked it up it seems that dimples are very common on newborns but that sometimes .. sometimes .. it could be cause for concern of spina bifida

would assume that it wasn't by now

OP posts:
giraffeski · 31/08/2005 18:10

Message withdrawn

giraffeski · 31/08/2005 18:08

Message withdrawn

WigWamBam · 31/08/2005 18:08

My dd's 4 and several of hers stick out - I've never thought it might be a problem.

NotQuiteCockney · 31/08/2005 18:08

I think it's normal. DS1 (nearly four) certainly has this, and has had for ages. He managed to fall over at school, backwards, onto a table, and got bruises where his vertebrae were.

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