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Internet Explorer 8 beta...???

5 replies

MerlinsBeard · 17/10/2008 16:20

Ok so i clicked and downloaded teh wrong IE when i was updating this ancient laptop(i normally use firefox but it sometimes strops so i like to have IE as back up)

What is a beta version? and why do i need this?(i intended to d/l IE7 btw)

OP posts:
MerlinsBeard · 17/10/2008 20:58

i clicked by mistake as i was distracted by DCs (and didn't read properly), i didn't know what beta meant in internet explorer terms so carried on with the installation.

will d/l 7 i think

OP posts:
MrVibrating · 17/10/2008 20:53

Doesn't make sense to have beta software 'as a back up', particularly on an old PC. Beta software doesn't work properly, when it does work properly (or before) it will be released.

Uninstall it and get IE7.

MerlinsBeard · 17/10/2008 16:24

well so far the only difference is that when i click on add message it doesn't take me to the box and it will auto suggest websites

it will do for a back up! Its supposed to be faster too and more secure but i don't know how

OP posts:
SharpMolarBear · 17/10/2008 16:22

Beta version is largely unreleased, sort of for public testing
You don't need it particularly
(How is it different?)

JodieO · 17/10/2008 16:21

Beta is a testing one, so it's still being tested.

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