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Google Chrome - anyone else surfing Mumsnet with this browser?

36 replies

nannynick · 03/09/2008 21:00

I'm now surfing Mumsnet using the new Google Chrome browser. Wondered if anyone else is also using this browser.

OP posts:
giraffeskeel · 09/09/2008 09:37

Eyeballs- I have a Mac and I can easily watch iPlayer.

nannynick · 09/09/2008 09:34

My web analytics software thinks that Chrome is Safari. Which actually makes some sense, as both Safari and Chrome are based on KHTML.

Wonder if Google will add a feature to Chrome where you can tell it to spoof the agent string... so you can just tell Hotmail you are using Safari, or IE7 and see what happens.

OP posts:
EachPeachPearMum · 07/09/2008 21:56

Hah- rustybear Hotmail says that to me... I AM using Firefox!

RustyBear · 07/09/2008 19:05

Oh, and Hotmail gets a bit snotty about it...

"Upgrade your web browser

We recommend that you upgrade your web browser so you can get the most out of Windows Live Hotmail. Upgrading should only take a few minutes. To get started, choose one of the browsers below:
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
If you don?t want to upgrade right now you can still continue to Windows Live Hotmail, but some parts of it may not work and it may not be displayed properly."

Looks fine to me.

ellideb · 07/09/2008 15:38

I installed it then removed it because I couldn't view any Youtube vids without 'upgrading' java something or other. Me not being a huge whizz on the PC didn't know what to do to as I had never encountered problems with watching vids on Youtube before. If anyone can shed any light on the situation I would be grateful and may even try it again.

ToughDaddy · 07/09/2008 09:49

I am using it because:

1)The tab format is convenient
2)I don't like Microsoft dominance and this threatens MS long term
3)Chrome is meant to be transformational Longterm: built to enhance the use on online applications which means that tlong term the focus will be on the browers and not on operating systems like Windows. You will be able to use any old operating system; it will be the browser that matters.

SueW · 07/09/2008 09:21

I realise that nannynick but unfortunately our computer is so old that the video ads are seriously screwing up my ability to surf the internet at all - often mumsnet pages and newpaper pages just block completely. I'm moaned about it several times.

So it's no ads (or jpgs and texts only, I can see a mini Boden ad at the bottom of this page and the info about affiliates/discounts at the top) or no mumsnet.

filthymindedvixen · 07/09/2008 08:51

We have downloaded it and DH was most amused to see my recent bookmarks - whcih include ''How about a nice cup of Shut the Fuck Up'' and ''just fucking Google it'' and a certain bat....all used exclusively on MN

nannynick · 07/09/2008 08:47

But SueW, using adblockers will affect Mumsnet revenue, as the ad impression won't register (I believe).

I miss having Google Toolbar... can't see why Google didn't incorporate that into Chrome. Chrome is still beta, so maybe the Alpha release will contain Google Toolbar.

OP posts:
SueW · 06/09/2008 21:27

Not using this yet but my surfing experience has improved immensely since I downloaded something which knocks out all the flashy ads.

EachPeachPearMum · 06/09/2008 21:11

You tibe crashes it too- I think its the flash after you've watched a video.

nannynick · 05/09/2008 23:22

It crashed on me today... had 4 tabs open, one containing a PDF. Was searching the PDF and all of a sudden, got an hourglass. No tab would respond at all. I waited a couple of minutes, then resorted to Task Manager to terminate Chrome.
Firefox is still my favourite (currently using version 3.0.1)

OP posts:
RustyBear · 04/09/2008 21:51

I find it slightly weird that Google's browser's spellchecker doesn't seem to recognise the word 'Google'
Wouldn't you think that would be the first word they'd add to their dictionary?
(Doesn't like Firefox either)

lynniep · 04/09/2008 16:50

Im using it, and I'm liking it, but it needs work. But then its a beta version, so can't really complain as the point is it will be improved as the bugs start rolling in.

As previous poster has mentioned - it apparently saves usernames/passwords, but then fails to come up with the goods when you need them. I've also requested the 'autofill' functionality you get with IE (although I'm sure there'll be an addon for that somewhere) as I hate having to fill out my details every time. I also dont get why I can't see my google bookmarks when I log into gmail, and yet it imports IE bookmarks. I dont use IE bookmarks!!
I'm sure there is a MAC version coming up - they just wanted to get this beta version out asap.

zippitippitoes · 04/09/2008 11:45

review here is very complimentary

zippitippitoes · 04/09/2008 09:51

i have only just discovered the cool mesage box apparition with firefox cooliris oit is brill

VictorianSqualor · 04/09/2008 09:49

I have the new firefox but keep getting told to change to safari apparently it's the fastest browser, but I'm not sure I can be bothered.

susiecutiebananas · 04/09/2008 09:36

Well, practically the ^WHOLE ( if not all actually) of the UK & US music and film industry use MAC... so we're not really second class citizens if such a technical area of expertise use it, then we must be doing something right...

I am surprised that it is not mac compatible. Most new software is these days. Also, my cousin as been working on it for google, and he's been using mac since time began! I shall have a word

EachPeachPearMum · 04/09/2008 09:29

DH won't stop raving about it... keeps on at me to switch. He loves the fact that it will tell you which tab is slow, so you can kill it.
I'm a firefox fiend though, so I don't want to. [I'm in my comfort zone emoticon]

CoteDAzur · 04/09/2008 09:22

I just downloaded and it is very pleasant to use. Nice change from Windows Explorer (I haven't tried Firefox). The stealth window is great and it seems much faster than Explorer.

EyeballsintheSky · 03/09/2008 23:34

It's about 97% are Windows or something daft like that, Nick. I don't dispute the numbers but it riles me that rather than developing software that everyone can use at the same time, they concentrate on one and then roll the other out when they can be arsed. I'm still waiting for BBC's iPlayer...

RustyBear · 03/09/2008 22:06

It's OK for me now too - I think it was my fault for missing the message that asked me if I wanted to save the password, because MN's login box is so small.
It apparently imported my saved passwords from IE, but they didn't actually work until I'd logged in to each site & confirmed I wanted to save it.

I do think the lack of the Google toolbar/bookmarks is a pain, though I can get my bookmarks from my igoogle page, or from here


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nannynick · 03/09/2008 22:02

Not that surprising that there is not a MAC version. There must be a lot more PC users than MAC users (anyone know if there are any official figures for that?).

OP posts:
nannynick · 03/09/2008 21:58

Hmm, it didn't remember my login. But once I had filled in the login on the Mumsnet login bit (not the username/password box on posting), it now seems to remember who I am when I come back to Mumsnet.

OP posts:
EyeballsintheSky · 03/09/2008 21:58

Nope, because as usual us Mac users are second class citizens.

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