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Please help - where are my temporary file I've lost a word document - help!!!!!!!

6 replies

CarGirl · 16/07/2008 22:54

I opened a word document from an email, amended it, kept saving it & now I can't find it and can't were the temp files are to look for it please help me

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CarGirl · 17/07/2008 18:31

Thank you I will attempt to find the temp folder over the weekend so I never get stuck again! I ended up retyping the letter last night because it was quicker!

I had searched in the hidden folders etc so not sure what I was doing wrong.

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zebramama · 17/07/2008 10:28

Do a search for "*.doc" in All folders, with System folder searching turned on, with a date of ammended in the last 24 hours.
If that doessn't find it then your email client has broken it!

littlelapin · 16/07/2008 23:08

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UnquietDad · 16/07/2008 23:07

Or try C:, then Documents & Settings and see if there is a "Temp" folder.

UnquietDad · 16/07/2008 23:04

If you are on Windows XP, try the "search" facility - click the green start bar (bottom left) to bring it up as an option.

CarGirl · 16/07/2008 22:59


it's under local settings, where are my local settings?

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