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Advice please. Thinking of getting a mac, but have only used pc,s

19 replies

northernrefugee39 · 22/04/2008 17:25

Will it be very hard to swap?
A friend has mac and raves about it. I loved it when i used his, but am worried it'll be a tricky transition.
The reason I'm considering mac is that it's meant to be better for arty stuff.
At the mo I use dh's and we're both squabbling over who uses it.

OP posts:
booge · 24/04/2008 12:47

I love my mac (at home) but work on pcs mostly, I don't find the transition hard at all, as someone said earlier the mac is very intuitive.

ib · 24/04/2008 12:37

I agree it's better for art/design stuff, even when running the same software I get better results and find it easier on the mac. That's why I have one.

It annoys me though, because it is not as easy to customise as PCs, and sometimes I feel I don't have the access to the system I would like. Also I have moved somewhere where there is no mac centre nearby so every time I need something (charger has broken twice and I've had to replace the battery) I've had to send off for it.

Also the replacement parts are very expensive.

Brangelina · 24/04/2008 12:25

Yes, deffo a Mac. Way better for anything arty/graphics etc. The screen resolution is much better and doesn't give you sore eyes quite as much as a pc. My DP has been totally converted, despite being initially scathing. Also less likely to break down. As a multimedia platform (music/pics/films etc.)it's a great machine, far superior to any PC I've ever used.

northernrefugee39 · 24/04/2008 12:17

And thankyou too so much geeky.
I think it's looking like a mac....

OP posts:
GeekBoy · 24/04/2008 09:41

Purely graphics, internet, email, music - get a mac.

If you really needed to you could run parallels/vmware to run Windows in a window (or not) but by the sounds of things you probably wouldn't need to.

northernrefugee39 · 24/04/2008 07:43

Thankyou so much Displace!
i really appreciate your help.

OP posts:
DisplacementActivity · 23/04/2008 19:22

Message withdrawn

northernrefugee39 · 23/04/2008 18:25

Well it looks like we'll be going on a short close to home holiday this year then, 'cos you're selling me this very well!

OP posts:
kittywise · 23/04/2008 17:53

I got my mac a couple of years ago and could never go back to using a pc, they are soooooo ace!!!!!

vonsudenfed · 23/04/2008 17:51

You can run the parallels thing, but to be honest I'm not sure you'd need to. DH works in graphics, and everything he needs - and more - is on the Mac. And I've used a Mac while working in a PC-based office and never had any problems swapping documents.

Admittedly I am a long-standing Mac user - in fact I got into them at art college, where Macs were all they had, which tells you something!

DisplacementActivity · 23/04/2008 17:51

Message withdrawn

northernrefugee39 · 23/04/2008 17:40

Oh Displace, thanks, that's just what I want to hear!
Actually, now I've heard you say that, I think someone else said it's much more "obvious" and intuitive.
Anyway. macs look much nicer anyway, as geekyboy says.

Pesto, I could proably accessorise it

OP posts:
DisplacementActivity · 23/04/2008 17:02

Message withdrawn

DisplacementActivity · 23/04/2008 17:01

Message withdrawn

PestoMonster · 23/04/2008 16:54


northernrefugee39 · 23/04/2008 16:53


Well, actually, any advice on waterproofs? Gap got any good ones do you know?

OP posts:
PestoMonster · 23/04/2008 16:51

Whoops! Thought you were after a raincoat, was just going to wade in with suggestions...

northernrefugee39 · 23/04/2008 16:49

Hi geek, thanks for posting.
I'll use it for the usual, email documents etc, but I'm an illustrator/cartoonist, and my friend who's a a designer, showed me how to scan in artwork and drop colour in etc.
There was also a programme where you could blow up drawings with no pixiliation, stuff like that.
But as you say, I could probably do all that on pc.
my friend is raving about macs, says i have to get one.
I'm not very technically minded, so as my dh has pc which I use for very little really, I'm wondering if I should put myself through a learning curve.

OP posts:
GeekBoy · 23/04/2008 10:14

what exactly are you going to use it for?

It took me a couple of hours to get used to where stuff was but after that it was plain sailing..

I don't think I could recommend macs enough for general internet/music/photo stuff.

As a web development (XAMP) platform it's great.

Better for arty stuff is hard to quantify.. ..most applications are now available on pc and mac and the hardware platform is internally very similar... ..much prettier on the outside though!

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