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Vanity url??

2 replies

MadMadamMim123 · 07/12/2016 11:58

Hello, hoping for some guidance from some wise mumsnetters! I'm applying for a digital copywriter role and have been asked to produce a blog post before interview with meta tags, keywords etc...all fine and good. One question is puzzling me though!

I've been asked to provide a vanity url for my blogpost and it should be 'relevant to the topic'. But my understanding of vanity urls is, they're usually created by a site like bitly and generated randomly.... Unless you buy a vanity url domain name. Would you do that for a blog post on a company website? TIA!

OP posts:
MadMadamMim123 · 07/12/2016 15:06

Thanks Anchor - appreciate your help. I think the reason that's confused me is they've already asked for URL extension (your chosen URL for this post) and given the first bit so //

So would I make the Vanity URL // ?!

Thanks so much!

OP posts:
AnchorDownDeepBreath · 07/12/2016 12:04 is a short link, not a vanity URL. They want you to write the URL that you think will be best to host the blog under on the website. It'll be // Most aren't auto generated anymore; it's not best practice.

I hope that helps! Best of luck.

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