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Nintendo DS, tablet or something else?

5 replies

IWasThere4Aug12 · 10/11/2013 23:36

DS asked for a Nintendo last year but not until after his birthday - fool! Now almost 7 so feel I should got him some 'tech' of his own but not sure what. Nintendo DS seems to have been around for ages - difficult with tech but I don't want to get something that's out of date too quickly

OP posts:
ilovepowerhoop · 11/11/2013 09:47

as well as nintendos my 2 also have the samsung galaxy tab2 tablets and you can download apps, use the internet, etc. It works on the Android system rather than whatever Apple uses.

magichamster · 11/11/2013 09:44

ds's had nintendos a few years ago and certainly got played with loads. The only downside is the games are quite expensive. They got tablets last year and they can do more with them - internet, reading (they have kindle fires) and lots of the games are free. We've had to spend a lot less on 'add ons' with the tablets than the ds, but the games are a bit better on the ds. My dc's are a bit older though (9 and 11)

kelda · 11/11/2013 09:44

My children much preferred the iPad to the N3DS. They never used the 3D function on the Nintendo.

nicename · 11/11/2013 09:42

Tablets are fun. The tesco one (hudle?) Has got good reviews. DSs can drive kids crazy and gets them jittery!

ilovepowerhoop · 11/11/2013 09:39

there is the 3DS (normal and XL) plus the new 2DS although the 2DS doesnt close in half like the 3DS. You can play games for the 3DS on the 3DS and the 2DS consoles.

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