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The 2015 Allotment / Veg Patch Thread Part 3 already!

994 replies

agoodbook · 24/05/2015 15:42

Just seen the other is full , so here goes - we are heading for summer now! Welcome to everyone old and new :)

here is a link to the previous thread

OP posts:
shovetheholly · 30/07/2015 09:11

I did that too, Zebra! Then kicked myself when I found I'd spent literally four times as much as I needed to! It was my Dad who put me onto the bulk seed order.

I am a truly unimaginative cook, so I was going to make a curry, as I also harvested spinach, some little white turnips, some mange tout peas, tons of potatoes and a couple (literally 2!) French beans. I thought I could sort of bung it all into a pot! But much as I love a curry, part of me would like to taste these varieties of veg without all that spice, as I haven't grown them before and it would be nice to get more of their natural flavour to see if I want to grow them again. I suppose I've got all summer to taste them though. Confused Any better suggestions v welcome!!

lalamumto3 · 30/07/2015 09:14

Hi, went to my lottie on Tuesday, and found that both of my pear trees had been stripped bare of all of their fruit, they had loads last week and it was looking like I would have a bumper crop. It is not on the floor so I can only assume that we have had allotment thieves again, I was warned about it by other allotmenters last year. They were cordons so really easy to pick clean. Hubby is very chilled about it and says they must have been desperate! I am feeling rather less charitable.

Am thinking about netting my apples, but not sure if that would stop anyone. at least the courgettes will replenish.

Cedar03 · 30/07/2015 09:35

That's very annoying about the pears. We've had the odd bit of thieving from our allotments - they're on an open site in the local park so easy to get into. Netting might help discourage them I guess.

Shove we've got a copy of Jamie at Home cook book which has loads of ideas for cooking with fresh vegetables. A lot of them are probably on his website these days as its an old book.
And jam is just boiling up fruit with sugar. You don't even need a sugar thermometer - just a big wide pan, sugar, fruit and pots to put them in. (I sound so confident based on my two attempts of making a single fruit jam, don't I!).

TheSpottedZebra · 30/07/2015 09:45

Go on, get jammin'. I've been doing it for a couple fo years, and I'm no great shakes in the kitchen. Im also freakishky clumsy and I've not even ruined a pan doing it. Yet. So you should be fine! Just read up a bit about pectin, setting point etc, and maybe consider a jam thermometer.

TheSpottedZebra · 30/07/2015 09:48

OH no, lala that's awful. I'd be gutted it that had happened to me. Had anyone else had anything taken?

I have an apple tree on the edge of my plot, next to the main path. Most people do. But apple, apparently, is a nice one, and people tell me that they're sort of seen as communal. Readers, I don't want to share Blush

TheSpottedZebra · 30/07/2015 09:49

Sorry, MY apple is apparently a nice one. Nicer than other peoples' apples.

shovetheholly · 30/07/2015 10:07

Oooff Sad to lala and Zebra with the pinching of fruit. Sad It's hard to deal with emotionally, isn't it?

I think the worst thing about it is that you know that someone might be desperate, and if they came up to you and said they were hungry, then you would say 'Yes, help yourself'. But because it's done in a clandestine way, it feels like your space has been violated.

We had a bike stolen from our shed at home, and I really struggled with it. I live in a poor city, and a lot of people are hungry, plus the bike was insured. At the same time, I was freaked out by the idea that someone had come into my space, crowbarred off a lock and ridden off on it. I realise that this is a kind of silly idea of the 'private'/an idealised version of community where people communicate about their needs, but I did struggle not to feel really quite upset for a while. I think I'd feel the same about something like that on my plot.

lalamumto3 · 30/07/2015 11:06

I think that we would all happily give someone a bag of pears or apples. For me it was that they literally took every pear on the 2 trees, we think they then go and sell them at the local market. I will definitely net them next year as it may act as a deterrent and at least I would feel I had done something. Goes off to google Allotment CCTV , Smile

LetThereBeCupcakes · 30/07/2015 12:02

Sorry about the allotment thieves - ripe pears and apples already? Shock

shove I've got "Delia's Kitchen Garden" which is part gardenning book, part cook book, with lots of lovely recipes organised by month. The Pickled Runner Beans are amazing.

Re: Allotment Societies - stupid question, but do you have to have an allotment to join one? Or can I join with my veggie patch?

mink that recipe sounds EXACTLY like one my ex boyfriend used to make! Right down to the veggie chorizo! We broke up before I got the recipe out of him and I've missed it every since. Grin

Good news! All of my potted up tomato armpits have found new, loving homes.

I potted up 3 more last night

Cedar03 · 30/07/2015 12:07

Cupcakes you could ask if your nearest allotments have a society and they'd let you join but I think normally you need to have an allotment.
We don't have a society for our plots but my parents do at theirs so they very kindly ordered all the seeds, etc through it for me this year. (Then my dad lost half the order, so I bought more seeds, then he found them again so now I am well stocked for next year!). They pay a sub to belong to the society.
Don't know why our allotments don't have one, it would be useful but I'm not planning to take on running it!

agoodbook · 30/07/2015 13:03

Frantic day yesterday.
Spotted I started picking broad beans at the beginning of jun, and they lasted about 4-5 weeks - I had put some in sown direct in February ( as the mice had taken some) so the harvest was drawn out a bit. All dug up and gone now, while everyone else is still harvesting . But I dont do vast amounts as its not a favourite.
Hello lala - thats a bit bad about the pears, were they ripe already? We have crime here - but not as far as I am aware on picking fruits and vegetables, more machines and tools.
Re allotment society and seeds. Our local one does the seeds thing - we get the brochure in December, so you can peruse in the dark nights, and is all delivered to the shop. I will ask whether on not you can join without a plot, and let you know.
shove - jam is easy, promise! best book by far - a real oldie
The Basic Basics Jams, Preserves and Chutneys by Marguerite Patten

OP posts:
LetThereBeCupcakes · 30/07/2015 13:09

Well, it won't hurt to ask. I only wondered because holly said she was joining one not associated with her own plot. We'll see.

A warning to anybody making jam: Do NOT under ANY circumances, add pectin to blackcurrant jam. Unless you like slicing your jam with a knife.

We're going to need a new thread soon! What will we call it? My voted is for "Lettuce and Peppers and Pears OH MY!"

Sorry, I'll get my coat.

agoodbook · 30/07/2015 13:14

Cupcakes - memories of last years gooseberry here - sent DH out for the sugar, was in a rush. Thought to myself- wow thats set quick - he had bought jam making sugar ( which has added pectin) It was very nice sliced to eat with cheese - like quince jelly! :)
Good title there as well - its filled up again!!!

OP posts:
TheSpottedZebra · 30/07/2015 18:21

Live posting from the plot...
Too late to pick rhubarb do you think, too much oxalic acid? It's taking over the path so i need to pick it anyway but ok to eat do you think? The guideline/accepted wisdom used to be not after Midsummer didn't it?

agoodbook · 30/07/2015 18:40

If its nice and pink, and leaves not yellow/dying back, I would eat it!

OP posts:
TheSpottedZebra · 30/07/2015 18:55

Ooh maybe i will pick some moÃ…?e. It's quite the opposite of dying back! Grin

And my ultra tidy neighbours will tidy me if i don't uncover the path. ..

agoodbook · 30/07/2015 19:59

my vote for new thread title - -'Glut what Glut?'
no plot today for me, its showered heavily, and is now looking black again. Hopefully I can get a couple of hours in tomorrow.
But- my little spring greens/spring cabbages have germinated-
and my cress green manure seeds have arrived. -It seems I have a choice whether to leave in over winter, or sow and sort out before winter - decisions decisions.....

OP posts:
LetThereBeCupcakes · 30/07/2015 20:31

Well we need to decide soon, only 7 more posts left on this one. Sorry, 6 now!

I've got a code for a patio apple tree for free (but with £5 odd postage). I'll wait for the new thread to post all the details though as it'll only get lost.

Zebra your neighbours will tidy you? Shock Shock Shock

agoodbook · 30/07/2015 22:25

well, I shall get the new thread up and running , as its just you and me cupcakes

here is the link to the new one

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