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Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May: Alternative potting shed thread

999 replies

funnyperson · 10/05/2015 06:11

On the grounds that potting sheds should admit those of all cultures here is an alternative potting shed thread. Probably makeshift and not as posh as the other one. Definitely subversive and open to gardeners of all capabilities.

OP posts:
SugarPlumTree · 12/05/2015 20:18

Sounds like you have been very busy Rhubarb in a very satisfying way. Hap shawl your picture has had me ferreting in the rockery to see where mine went. There was a lovely one in h front for years which mysteriously vanished so I bought another.

However the rockery is a thuggery. It is bordered by Japenese anenomes, has campanula, oxalis and hypericum. None of which I planted.

Just watched th Jo Swift program, very interesting. I did like the miner's one and thought the attention to detail was very Chelsea. Looking forward to watching that next week - is it next week or have I mad that up?

HapShawl · 12/05/2015 20:31

I think it's on nightly this week but I might have imagined it

for rhubarb on the Spanish bluebell wars. I have got them out of everywhere except a narrow strip between a shed and a trellis where I simply can't dig and they look ok there. They can't spread from there easily and I have deadheaded them early to avoid any chance of seed spreading. But I glower at them occasionally

Blackpuddingbertha · 12/05/2015 21:25

Yes it's on all week I think. We disagreed with who went out tonight.

This use of orange I like.

SugarPlumTree · 12/05/2015 22:01

Sorry, meant am looking forward to Chelsea next week . Am watching the Joe Swift thing on catch up tomorrow. It's my treat fo surviving children who have exams coming home.

HapShawl · 12/05/2015 22:18

Ah gotcha yes indeed. I haven't watched any of the programme yet

Dp planted out the morning glory and mina lobata into their respective pots this evening.

I think one of the cuttings I took from a white currant I moved has rooted, which is good because I took the plastic bag off the pot to air and forgot to put it back on again so thought they were a lost cause

MyNightWithMaud · 12/05/2015 22:23

That use of orange is indeed fabulous. What converted me was the blown-in calendula which arrived a few years ago. When I moved one into a predominantly blue/purple grouping of plants, it lifted the whole thing.

I'm very excited by the prospect of Chelsea, but want to watch from the comfort of my sofa rather than drag myself there.

HapShawl · 13/05/2015 09:50

that combination is v nice bertha. as yet more evidence that i don't know what i'm talking about, i realise that i am also growing lots of french marigolds for the veg garden and on outside of the kitchen windowsill... but i have another purpose for these too as i'm planning to collect the flowers to use as a natural dye

SugarPlumTree · 13/05/2015 17:43

My calendula seed still not germinated and I really want it to having seen that combination.

The Cerinthe however are showing signs of life. One is up and I think the seeds have been pushed up on a couple of the others. They were planted 5 April.

Blackpuddingbertha · 13/05/2015 22:21

My cerinthe were sown last weekend. Just thought I'd check them and I've a couple that have pushed up to the surface and are starting to sprout. Mine are in the conservatory so it gets really hot in there during the day which may be helping.

Halsall · 14/05/2015 12:37

Extreme disgruntlement here - it's absolutely pouring with rain, after a heavenly day yesterday in which I had no time to do much in the garden beyond tearing up a few clumps of nettles.

Am now furious because I'd planned a trip to Chenies Manor today, and was going to luxuriate in tea, cake and a beautiful garden. It's only open Weds and Thurs and I can't go tomorrow. So I'm well and truly hacked off.

As slight consolation I'm planning to sow some cavolo nero, and to finally get round to starting off a pot of basil (I don't bother pricking out, just sow a whole pot and cut it as and when I need it), plus a wonderful herb called shiso which I had in Japan and tastes amazing.

Still AngryAngryAngry at the weather, though.

Rhubarbgarden · 14/05/2015 13:55

I'd love to go to Chenies Manor. The tulips are supposed to be wonderful. Will you go next week instead?

I ran round with the mower first thing until it started raining. I'm glad it is raining though - everything was getting very dry and I was fretting about the newly planted stuff in the showstopper border.

ppeatfruit · 14/05/2015 14:44

Welcome Alternative tentacles This thread had become alternative has it? That's right up my street (in fr. they definitely think my organic garden, with its caves ,curved beds and ivy as ground cover are alternative Grin ) There are a few more free spirited french people who like it though Grin. It's considered avant garde !!

I made elderflower cordial today, with flowers from my tree, and remembered that I became a regular on here a whole year ago !

Halsall · 14/05/2015 18:03

I hope so, Rhubarb - next Weds is my only opportunity at present, so fingers crossed with the weather. I've only been once before and it was beautiful. I'm an idiot not to go more because it's only about a 20-min drive from home.

ppeatfruit · 14/05/2015 21:26

Where do you keep your basil halsall? dh and disagree about where to situate our yearly pot of kitchen basil. It is quite tender isn't it?

Anyone watching the chelsea garden comp. ? it's quite inspiring though I don't much like competitions.

MyNightWithMaud · 15/05/2015 08:45

I've seen an episode and a half if the competition show and the final five minutes last night, so I know who won. I'll try and catch up with the rest today.

After lots of rain yesterday, the sun has returned, so I'm hoping to have some pottering time today.

ppeatfruit · 15/05/2015 09:36

I thought the winner was interesting because it was the opposite of a highly 'designed' soulless garden, At first I thought that the one with the medicinal plants would win but then looking at it from above, the paving was a bit random .

MyNightWithMaud · 15/05/2015 09:52

Well, I shall see later ...

AlternativeTentacles · 15/05/2015 10:01

looking at it from above, the paving was a bit random

He was using paving for decoration rather than for - you know - walking around his garden! If he'd have thought it through a bit more I think he'd have nailed it.

SugarPlumTree · 15/05/2015 17:14

I felt the right garden won and agree about the paving.

Was in a nursery today and had a sod it moment when I looked at their bedding compared to my rather pathetic looking seedlings. . Bought some cosmos ad zinnia for cutting patch. Then some lime nicotiana, ageraatum and blue salvia which I hope will replicate Sarah Raven's blue mojito collection. Also treated myself to a white dicentra , variaged hosta for new shady border plus a perennial salvia.

ppeatfruit · 15/05/2015 17:34

Yes true alternative

I love blue salvia. Sugar This is a salvia area, no rhodies but loads of salvias!

SugarPlumTree · 15/05/2015 18:45

Ah, I have Rhodies - does that not bode well for salvia ?!

I have decided to see what I can root in water on the kitchen windowsill.

Callmegeoff · 15/05/2015 20:54

That sounds lovely sugar

I've had a pottery week. Planted out most of the Dahlias and more gone over tulips on Thursday and have slowly been potting on things in the Greenhouse. More to do but I have run out of compost. I'm undecided as to whether to pot on the cosmos or just plant them out. My Foxgloves are almost out and are huge, each plant has multiple heads.

The cape gooseberry have flowers and so do some of the tomatoes.

Have a good weekend everyone I have work and Dd2s birthday party to look forward too.


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Blackpuddingbertha · 15/05/2015 21:22

Planted out the sweetcorn and sweetpeas today, plus some of the runners to grow over the edible igloo (which this year is to be redesigned into an edible wigwam).

My cosmos got planted straight out last weekend Geoff, didn't bother potting them on . They seem fine.

Bearleigh · 15/05/2015 22:06

I usually plant out my cosmos straight away too. It's slugs that do for 'em, not being too tiny, IME. I'm looking forward to planting up my pots as a treat once I've got shut of the forget-me-nots.

Which perennial salvia did you go for Sugarplum? (I bought 3 salvias/ sages at Wisley, Pineapple, Blackcurrant and Guarantica 'Blue Enigma')

Bearleigh · 15/05/2015 22:12

Ps DS has acquired a girlfriend - cracking timing given he's doing his GCSEs, but she's very nice, and so are her parents. Their garden is lovely - they had the most wonderful tulip display. Her mum & I had a very nice gardening chat when she came to pick up GF the other day!

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