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talk to me about hedges

8 replies

MousyMouse · 29/09/2012 19:12

out front garden is south facing.
the bed is about 2x7ft long.

dh wants a hedge.
I want roses.

my argument is that a hedge takes ages to grow to a height that blocks our nosey neighbours view gives us a bit more privacy.

so, I'm thinking climbing roses/trellis. the rose hedges I have seen tend to be ramblers that are not very attractive or very bushy and not very high. just something green would be too boring imo...

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Aquelven · 12/10/2012 22:26

We have mixed hedges.
All sorts in them, laurel, hawthorn, beech, conifers, roses, berberis, pyracantha, holly, sycamore, clematis growing up through all of them.
Attracts loads of wildlife & all year interest, clip it twice a year when the birds are not nesting.

pongysticks · 10/10/2012 20:04

Sorry a bit late to this thread - so you may of planted already!! we bought some large mature Laurels form a company called hedgesonline - spoke to a lovely chap called bob, and this way they are very large when going in so create a perfect screen from day one - maybe worth a try if you've not already??

Bienchen · 30/09/2012 11:29

Don't overlook that a hedge of sufficient height to stop people looking in will also create shade and will make it much darker indoors.

I have put up window film on our downstairs windows at the front and gone for planting that does not exceed 4 or 5 ft height. It gives us privacy but does not make the house too dark inside. Hedges will take at least 3 or 4 years to grow to screening height but you can buy larger specimens from a specialist and although much more costly than say bare root planted hedging plants, they would give you the immediate screen.

Climbing hydrangea does not need a fence or trellis to support.

I'd do roses and windowfilm... :)

BerylStreep · 29/09/2012 22:47

Laurel might be nice. NOT spotted Laurel though. Laurel is evergreen, grows quite quickly, can be clipped into shape, and has nice flowers in spring and berries in Autumn.

MousyMouse · 29/09/2012 19:26

there is a low wall with an iron fence on top, about 4ft high total.
typical victorian terrace.

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MousyMouse · 29/09/2012 19:24

just the boundary between our front garden and the street.
get a lot of foot traffic and regular stare offs with neighbours opposite

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BerylStreep · 29/09/2012 19:20

Is it the front boundary you want to screen, or the boundary between you and the neighbours?

Climbing hydrangea on a fence can be quite nice.

MousyMouse · 29/09/2012 19:17

oh, and in the back garden we have a couple of greenies, a couple of lowish (2-3ft) bux and a tall (6ft) hedgy tree (don't know the name, one with white and green leaves). if we take them from the back to the front, might that work?

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