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For those avopiding asparteme - what do you drink that is low calorie other than water?

30 replies

mears · 24/05/2010 11:54

I know about the asparteme health risks but would like advice on what is nice to drink but naturally low in sugar? Want to avoid sugar due to diabetic son.

Suggestions please.

OP posts:
ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 28/05/2011 15:55

sparkling water with a wedge of lemon or lime. Tesco do a bag of frozen lemon wedges which doesn't cost very much, Waitrose sell frozen lime wedges which are an apalling price.

TrillianAstra · 28/05/2011 16:04

I agree with Dropdeadfred

roguepixie · 28/05/2011 16:10

coconut water ... it's delicious. You can get it in cartons ... mmmmmmmm

TorcherQueenie · 28/05/2011 17:30

Fizzy value water (16p a bottle) and Tesco high juice (2 for £2 currently enjoying Winter Fruits and Blackcurrent a bit like fizzy ribena) I can chill the bottles in the fridge and its lovely for an ex-pop addict like me. Smile

lottiejenkins · 05/06/2011 10:58

My ds cant have aspartame so i buy hi/high juice for him.It doesnt have aspartame in it.

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