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If you are an american living in the uk........

30 replies

MamaMimi · 05/02/2010 22:13

....are you aware of an equivalent over here of 'Nilla' wafers? Or even something that would be similar?

I'm wanting to do a recipe I did in the US that had Nilla cookies in it and I'm not sure what to use as a replacement.

I thought about trifle sponges but I'm not sure they would be quite right - not thin enough.

So any suggestions would be most welcome.


OP posts:
Blondie1984 · 15/01/2017 16:35

In the past I've used langues de chats biscuits and it's worked well

cdtaylornats · 15/01/2017 16:30

I've come across this question before - the answer was Vanila Ladyfingers

blueskyinmarch · 15/01/2017 14:21

erica82 You have just responded on a thread that is 5 years old. I think they might have found a substitute by now!

Where do people find these ancient threads?

erica82 · 15/01/2017 14:18

Don't know if it's actual but this one is the same in U.K. And much cheaper

notcitrus · 17/11/2012 08:45

Rich teas might work if just being powdered into pudding?

ArthurPewty · 17/11/2012 08:17

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Teapot13 · 16/11/2012 22:45

fufe24, you could check out Panzer's Deli in St. John's Wood, but I doubt it will be the less expensive option.

OP, what about digestive biscuits? They would be more like graham crackers than Nilla wafers, but I could picture that with banana pudding. I mean, banana cream pie with graham cracker crust would be nice, no? So it might work melted in as well. . . might have to add cinnamon.

fufe24 · 16/11/2012 09:18

thank you for the suggestions, i tried Amazon but i actually need to buy 4/5 boxes and this is going to be very expencise due to delivery costs, any idea of any actual shop?
have a great day

EdwardtheEagle · 07/11/2012 14:33

How about langue du chat biscuits?

NettoSpookerstar · 07/11/2012 14:03
fufe24 · 07/11/2012 13:30

hello there,

I live in London and i need to find Nilla Wafers, can anybody help?

MmeBlueberry · 06/02/2010 20:05

I remember back when we were still living in the USA seeing something on TV (possibly on CBS morning news, or equivalent), a cookery segment where they made Oreos, Little Debbies, HoHos, Twinkies....

The homemade varieties are so much better, and not particularly hard.

If you need Nilla wafers as an ingredient for something you are making 'from scratch', then do the decent thing and make the wafers from scratch too.

MamaMimi · 06/02/2010 19:51

Great suggestions - make my own, or lady fingers if I can't be arsed haven't got time.

Thanks guys

OP posts:
mathanxiety · 06/02/2010 18:39

Here's a picture and a recipe using them They're also called Savoiardi. I use them in Tiramisiu, which made me think of banana pudding to some extent.

MmeBlueberry · 06/02/2010 18:28

How about making your own?

If you Google 'homemade nilla wafers' you will get plenty of hits. They look pretty simple, and I am sure are miles tastier than the real thing.

MamaMimi · 06/02/2010 18:22

what are lady fingers? Never had them. Are they like trifle sponges?

OP posts:
mathanxiety · 06/02/2010 02:48

Lady fingers then? (If you dried them out a bit...)

expatinscotland · 05/02/2010 23:54

I haven't found anything like Nila except rusks so that's why I use, too, because getting hold of Nila is too £££ most of the time.

differentID · 05/02/2010 23:53

what's the jell-o choc pudding like? anything along the lines of Angel delight?

MamaMimi · 05/02/2010 23:47

It's banana pudding math so they really have to sort of melt and dissolve a bit into the banana-ry goo (sounds lovely doesn't it?).

Sorry gotta go now, shall check to see if there are any more suggestions tomorrow.

OP posts:
MamaMimi · 05/02/2010 23:43

Oooooh, I was just having a look thinking the same thing diffID but dd1 has just woke up with ear ache so I'm cutting my nostalgia trip short for now.

Can't think of anything to avoid (apart from what you've mentioned) at the mo' without checking it all out, but Teddy Grahams are great s, specially for young kids - well tasty and moreish anyway. Not great in a healthy way!

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mathanxiety · 05/02/2010 23:34

You could try Marie biscuits, though they're dryer than Nilla wafers and a bit different in texture and taste, and they wouldn't crush the same if crushing is what you intend to do with them. But they're plain. What's the recipe?

differentID · 05/02/2010 23:32

I'm thinking of doing an order for some bits for curiosity's sake. anything you would suggest I avoid like the plague. I already know about Hershey's vomit so-called chocolate. And I don't touch Nestle stuff anyway

MamaMimi · 05/02/2010 23:29

Thanks for the ideas and links so far.

Nice one diffID - I have just bookmarked that site, expensive tho' no? Obviously cos they have to ship them over specially. It's like the prices I had to pay for things like Branston pickle when I was in the States!

I live in the dark depths of Cumbria, about as far from London as you can get in this country. Don't have a Waitrose any where near although I could get similar biccies at any other supermarket I'm sure.

I fear you are probably right MmeB but rusks just wouldn't cut it in this recipe (I don't think!)

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