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What can I do with a whole chicken?

16 replies

Picante · 26/09/2009 15:38

I always cook a roast with spuds, veg, gravy, stuffing etc etc and I'm a little bored with that...

What else can I do with it?

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Picante · 27/09/2009 10:52

Thanks all - will try the pot roast!

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meltedmarsbars · 27/09/2009 09:49

But I miss out stages 3 and 4, just take the lid off to brown the chicken and serve.

Mmmmm...better than planting

meltedmarsbars · 27/09/2009 09:47

Try this whole curried chicken recipe it is easy and delicious.

Quattrocento · 26/09/2009 21:23

You could try planting it to see if it grows into a chicken tree.

StirlingNeedsAHoliday · 26/09/2009 21:18

I feel you aren't taking this thread seriously CNyle

JJ · 26/09/2009 18:21

I was going to suggest bran's pot roast, but she already has. It's fabulous.

claired21 · 26/09/2009 18:19

Look for Economy Gastronomy on the BBC website - they'd make about 3 different dinners out of one Chicken! The Chicken & Rice looked particularly tasty.

CNyle · 26/09/2009 18:17

use as a ball in poultry rugby

sunangel88 · 26/09/2009 18:16

You could make Hainanese Chicken Rice.

CNyle · 26/09/2009 18:14

fashion into a natty glove

StirlingNeedsAHoliday · 26/09/2009 18:14

Someone linked to this gorgeous Pot Roast Chicken on a thread ages ago and I have used it a few times and it is always lovely

3littlefrogs · 26/09/2009 16:29

You can marinade it in sherry, soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic ginger and a little five spice powder. Turn it regularly in the marinade, then roast it, basting frequently. Serve it with rice and stirfried veg.

bran · 26/09/2009 15:57

Do my pot-roast chicken recipe. It's yum, it's easy and the kids eat it. I don't bother browning the chicken anymore, I just take the lid off for the last 10 mins and it browns up nicely.

Sidge · 26/09/2009 15:52

Make creamy chicken with mustard - take the legs, wings and breast meat off, bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes (depending on size) then mix a carton of single cream with a spoon of mustard (teaspoon for mild flavour, tablespoon for more mustardy flavour). Pour over the chicken then return to the oven for about 15 minutes.

Serve with sautee potatoes and green veg.

(Then you can make chicken stock with the carcass)

TheArmadillo · 26/09/2009 15:51

you can cover it thinly in curry paste adn roast. Serve with couscous & chickpeas or rice and then salad or some roast veg (potatoes/tomatoes/onions etc)

Picante · 26/09/2009 15:46


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