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Is popcorn a "healthy" snack?

30 replies

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 18:24

Obviously it's not as healthy as, say, a banana but simple popped corn, no salt, no butter, not cooked in oil, is a "healthy" alternative to crisps isn't it? I've just got a popcorn maker (it's fab!) and am using it when DSs (6 & 4) want a snack - they think it's fun.

And before you all jump on me, DS2 will not eat any fruit and it's not through a lack of trying. Might see if he eats sunflower seeds actually...

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sallystrawberry · 01/05/2005 18:25

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Louise1980 · 01/05/2005 18:26

SoupDragon I no the feeling of needing healthier snacks. My ds1 wont eat fruit but maybe I could try popcorn. I dont see the problem as long as you dont ad loads of rubbish and additives!

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 18:31

Amazon... hang on a mo This one. Although I'm now disappointed to see they have the one that looks like a duck and I didn't notice.

I'd prefer them to have fruit and things like that but no such luck. DS1 was the same but got better since starting at school and having free fruit at break time. HOping DS2 will follow suit!

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SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 18:33

Must point out that, despite it being fun to watch, making the popcorn is an adult only job. DS2 managed to get an unpopped kernal up his sleeve and it's left 2 nasty looking little burns. One of the faults with the popcorn makers is that they do spit out unpopped kernals. I'm working on the perfect technique though!

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treacletart · 01/05/2005 18:45

Hurray for popcorn! We make it every few weeks - just in a sucepan with almost no oil and then we usually add a little melted butter and a thin trickle of honey or sometimes treacle . I doubt its particularly nutritious but I dont think its particularly bad either - might even be a good fibre source? It's certainly very cheap and very delicious and Ds gets excited bouncing around the kitchen shouting Poppoppop!. My brother makes an adult version with sesame oil and chillies, yum.

Blossomhill · 01/05/2005 18:52

As long as you make it yourself then yes it is a lot healthier than crisps. I make it for my kids and I like the fact that I know what's in it. It's a natural product so I really can't see the harm and it is a good source of fibre as it is a seed (originally!)

Louise1980 · 01/05/2005 18:55

OK now i need to buy a popcorn maker to my list!
Already added a juicer to try to get fruit in that way!

Blossomhill · 01/05/2005 19:04

You don't need a popcorn maker. Just a large saucepan and lid will do!

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 19:06

I think the point of the popcorn maker is that you don't need any oil at all. Because it's whizzed about in the machine constantly, it doesn't burn or stick at all.

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SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 19:07

As it's a seed, do you think other seeds would pop in a similar manner?

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Tinker · 01/05/2005 19:09

You can get microwave popcorn - don't know if it has anything added. Pan is easy though, just shake as it's popping. The pan, that is.

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 19:10

Microwave popcorn has salt and fat added. Not sure what else.

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Frizbe · 01/05/2005 19:15

The organix food guide thing recommends popcorn as a good snack! so if you go with that its ok.

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 19:17

It's an environmentally sound alternative to polystyrene packing chips too

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Whizzz · 01/05/2005 19:17

I've written you a limerick Soup - no one else is playing [sticking out bottom lip emoticon]

SoupDragon · 01/05/2005 19:20

I did notice

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snafu · 01/05/2005 19:49

Popcorn is a very good healthy snack, if you make it without butter or salt or caramel.

Unfortunately, I tend to make a big pan, feel very virtuous, and then sprinkle half the Dead Sea over it.

MarsLady · 01/05/2005 20:10

Yes, especially when smothered in butter and salt.

tee hee!

bossykate · 01/05/2005 20:15

soupie, i think it is. don't have popcorn maker myself, i just shake it about in a big pan with a smidge of sunflower oil.

snafu · 01/05/2005 20:46

Mars, you scamp

spots · 01/05/2005 21:11

Oh wow, like the sound of sesame oil and chillies! any more to tell on that one?

treacletart · 02/05/2005 19:11

Spots - Just spoke to my brother (DB?)and he says he doesn't have a set recipe but makes it in a machine and then shakes over whatever's to hand; sesame oil (essential he says), dried chilli flakes, garlic or celery salt, perhaps dried herbs and (sometimes) a little marigold bouillion powder and or a little smoked pimenton powder.


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singersgirl · 03/05/2005 11:21

SoupDragon, I've just discovered oven baked chickpeas which DS1, who doesn't like much fruit, has taken to - just marinate cooked chickpeas in a little salt and crushed garlic for 20 minutes, put on oiled baking tray and bake in oven for 15 mins at 190, 15 mins at 170 and 30 mins at 150 (or something - I reduced the temps for fan oven). They're very crispy and DS1 is happily munching on them. Not too greasy either. Could be worth a try!

chipmonkey · 03/05/2005 11:44

I went to college with some dieticians and they always maintained popcorn was a very healthy snack. Don't know why but trusted them, they all ate very healthily!

spots · 03/05/2005 13:17

Thanks treacletart... you & 'db' have reawakened my interest in popcorn!

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