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49 replies

SobranieCocktail · 04/02/2009 20:21

I can't find it anywhere! I tried some shitey imitation the other day and it was NO GOOD.

I need lovely Sosmix.

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sarah293 · 05/02/2009 18:04

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TheFallenMadonna · 05/02/2009 18:08

at bacon flavour sosmix.

at bacon flavour anything.

ProfYaffle · 05/02/2009 18:10

I still love smokey bacon crisps. Om nom nom.

TheFallenMadonna · 05/02/2009 18:13

It was a happy day in our household when my mum bought the Cranks cookbook and we started to live off cheese and lentil wedge and buckwheat bake rather than crappy meat substitutes. There was some dreadful fungal thing which was supposed to be like beef - but so wasn't!

NorbertDentressangle · 05/02/2009 18:14

Oh no! Only last week I unearthed a antique slightly out of date pack from the depths of the kitchen cupboards during a huge cleaning blitz.

I used to love Sosmix -we used to make a sausage roll type thing with cubes of cheese in -it was gorgeous.

georgiemum · 05/02/2009 18:14

I am sure I saw some recently in Holland & Barret.

NorbertDentressangle · 05/02/2009 18:15

TheFallenMadonna -are you thinking of TVP?

You used to be able to get a "beef flavoured" one that was dark brown or a neutral one that tasted of cardboard that was paler.

georgiemum · 05/02/2009 18:16

I have had a ferret on the 'tin-ternet and it seems that they have just changes the formula - it now has milk products in it. Lots of very unhappy vegans out there.

NorbertDentressangle · 05/02/2009 18:16

oh, and I'm with you on the at anything bacon flavoured

georgiemum · 05/02/2009 18:19

It was great for scotch eggs.

TheFallenMadonna · 05/02/2009 18:21

That's the one.


TheFallenMadonna · 05/02/2009 18:22

No. It wasn't!

Wondering if the addition of milk products might have improved the flavour. And thinking no, probably not...

TheFallenMadonna · 05/02/2009 18:23

Not great for scotch eggs that is. Sosmix scotch eggs were the overriding horror of my teenage years.

henrypage · 12/09/2016 14:57

Sosmix can be bought direct from here:

EllieMorton · 11/05/2017 18:03
bigmouthstrikesagain · 11/05/2017 18:27

Oh mum used to make me sausages, sausage rolls and scotch eggs with Sosmix when I was a teenage veggie. Fond memories of squishy pink mix.

Does any one remember the packets of dried chilli flavoured bean mix? I cannot remember what they were called but they were really portable and just added boiling water to 'cook'. I took them to festivals for easy eats.

TheSpottedZebra · 11/05/2017 18:31

Beanfeast,bigmouth ? I ate A LOT of that.

crumbsinthecutlerydrawer · 11/05/2017 18:33

Beanfeast? I remember my mum buying packs and packs of those from the health food shop in town along with sosmix, burgamix(?) and bagging up banana chips and random seed mixes that were kept in massive barrels with scoops.

bigmouthstrikesagain · 11/05/2017 18:38

Yes!! Beanfeast ! Thank you yes I ate many packs myself - I can still taste' it in my memory! None of this Quorn nonsense!

FunBoyThree · 11/05/2017 18:48

I feel your pain!

MumBod · 11/05/2017 20:32

Wow, this thread brings back memories...we used to take Beanfeast on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. Loved the bolognese one.

Sainsbury's used to do brill vege bolognese in tins...

user1487175389 · 11/05/2017 21:09

We weren't vegan back in the 80s,but I am now. My mum used to buy sos mix for some reason. And vitam-r. I would never decide whether I loved vitam-r or whether it tasted a bit like wee smelled.


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user1487175389 · 11/05/2017 21:12

And if it's vegan Sausage rolls you want, the Linda McCartney ones are gorgeous and quite cheap (compared to the 'meaty' Gregg's equivalent)

Deathraystare · 12/05/2017 11:43

Yeah, it was discontinued a while ago.

Decades ago! I am still in mourning.

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