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Can I save cooked cold boiled rice in the fridge and eat it tomorrow?

38 replies

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 08/04/2008 21:47

will it be safe? heard rice can be dodgy. thanks.

OP posts:
BirdyArms · 19/04/2008 22:03

I deliberately cook more than I need so that I can make egg fried rice with the leftovers. Once I forgot about it and left it around a week in the fridge and could really tell that it had gone off - smelly and slimy. But I often keep it up to 3 days and then use and it's always been fine.

shinyshoes · 19/04/2008 19:22

I freeze cooked rice and reheat it til its scorching, have never had a problem.

SingingBear · 18/04/2008 21:14

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girlfrommars · 18/04/2008 21:07

I think as Countinggreyhairs says it's a big issue in catering. Rice salads are also an issue at things like buffets/BBQs because they are left standing at room temperature for hours.

I tend to rinse any spare with cold water in a sieve then refridgerate, so it doesn't standaround cooling for ages. I reheat it in the microwave.

Countingthegreyhairs · 18/04/2008 20:53

Gosh, I eat re-heated rice all the time and I'm massively pernicky about this sort of thing. Never had a problem. (Always cool down rapidly and heat up thoroughly though.)

My sister used to work in industrial catering and she said that most of the problems of poisoning from rice arose when it was cooked in huge quantities: eg in restaurants, schools and hospitals ...

barnstaple · 18/04/2008 20:49

I do it all the time too. No prob.

CatIsSleepy · 18/04/2008 20:45

have done it plenty of times
never been ill from it
(yet )

VacantlyPretty · 18/04/2008 20:43

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boogiewoogie · 18/04/2008 20:41

Probably mentioned already but 1 day old cold boiled rice is ideal for making egg fried rice.

oxocube · 18/04/2008 18:35

yes, just cool down quickly, reheat throughly.

SquonkTheBeerGuru · 18/04/2008 18:31

rice can be very dodgy.

But if you have kept it cold (less than 5 degs,) in the fridge and when you reheat it, you make sure it is piping hot, it will be fine.

Don't leave it any longer than the day after tomorrow though, if you haven't eaten it by then, chuck it out.

You could also eat it cold, slathered in mayo - tres nice.

LookattheLottie · 18/04/2008 18:31

We always do it here. But most of the time I leave it for 2 days to dry out and then use it to make egg fried rice

ImightbeLulumama · 18/04/2008 18:30

i do

see taliac's earlier post

"from fsa website:

"I've heard that reheating rice can cause food poisoning. Is this true?
It's true that you could get food poisoning from eating reheated rice. But it's not actually the reheating that's the problem ? it's the way the rice has been stored before reheating.

Uncooked rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus, bacteria that can cause food poisoning. When the rice is cooked, the spores can survive. Then, if the rice is left standing at room temperature, the spores will germinate into bacteria. These bacteria will multiply and may produce toxins (poisons) that cause vomiting or diarrhoea. Reheating the rice won't get rid of these toxins.

So, the longer cooked rice is left at room temperature, the more likely it is that bacteria, or the toxins they produce, could stop the rice being safe to eat.

It's best to serve rice when it has just been cooked. If that isn't possible, cool the rice as quickly as possible (ideally within one hour) and keep it in the fridge for no more than one day until reheating.

Remember that when you reheat any food, you should always check that it's piping hot all the way through, and avoid reheating more than once."

i eat reheated rice regularly,

Minniethemoocher · 18/04/2008 18:29

Reheat rice - Absolutely not!

mydhissocute - I once had terrible food poisoning from a Chinese restaurant and the most likely culprit was the special friend rice....

Jahan · 09/04/2008 16:24

We always eat reheated rice.
Most people I know do and I've never heard of anyone getting ill from it.

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 09/04/2008 10:19

That's a great idea, willmouse! will try that, cheers.

OP posts:
MrsPuddleduck · 09/04/2008 10:18

I do on the basis that I can buy it from the supermarket to heat up so surely it is safe with rice I have cooked and know has been kept properly.

I always cook too much rice and then freeze it in portion sized pots for the kids. Much quicker to defrost and heat up than boil a pan.

Oliveoil · 09/04/2008 10:16


the best egg fried rice MUST be made with cooked cold rice imo

half the world does it and I don't see China keeling over with poisoning

Twiglett · 09/04/2008 10:15

people always bang on about rice .. I always refrigerate it and reheat it .. never been ill yet

I either tip a kettle of boiling water through it in a seive which heats and seperates it or I use it in stir fries

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 09/04/2008 10:11

I already ate the rice, s'ok. No poisoning here, and I'm probably used to mildly poisoning myself with my regular cooking anyway, delia I ain't.

OP posts:
mydhissocute · 09/04/2008 09:43

Fried rice is made from cooled down cooked rice. Its better if the rice is a day old. Every chinese restaurant and takeaway in the world is reheating rice every day without poisoning people.

FluffyMummy123 · 09/04/2008 08:43

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uberalice · 09/04/2008 08:43

Can I add that the same applies to pulses? I got really awful d&v from a lentil dahl that I'd left out for too long before reheating. Never again!

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 08/04/2008 23:56

It's ok I got hungry and ate it already, I can't seem to fill myself up tonight!

OP posts:
bramblebooks · 08/04/2008 22:58

YEP Moondog, I was. ewww it was horrific!

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