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Messy eaters

4 replies

Joybelles · 20/09/2007 20:32

Help! My 2 year old boy takes great delight in depositing his food, item by item, onto the floor either when he's finished, or is just being a pickle. This happens most mealtimes. I've tried everything I can think of - ignored it; said no sternly; taken his food away - to no avail. Any ideas?! It's driving me potty!! Seems to make no difference if DH et moi are eating with him or not.....

OP posts:
Joybelles · 23/09/2007 20:37

Thanks. Really appreciate your input and his childminder said the same thing. Will grit my teeth, summon up courage and go for it!! xxxxx

OP posts:
NannyL · 21/09/2007 07:56

my little charge turned 2 10 days ago and he definitley would

wouldhave done since about june / july i reckon

Joybelles · 20/09/2007 22:38

Thanks NannyL..... Do you think that he'll understand the threat and make the link? He's only just turned 2 Would he be too young to understand, or am I just being soft?!

OP posts:
NannyL · 20/09/2007 21:35

maybe as soon as the 1st thing goes on the floor give him a warning... 'eat your food nicely or get down and be hungry' as soon as the next thing goes on the floor remove him from the table and give him NOTHING except water to the next meal

as soon as he realises its not a joke and that he becomes hungry as a result im sure he will stop

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