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Food processor or blender

30 replies

BeetheQueenBee · 16/05/2020 13:17

I want some kind of blender that I can use for making soup and also for chopping up onion and ginger and the like.

I have a food ninja smoothie maker and I use that for making soup and sauces sometimes but it only works if there is a lot of liquid in there and liquidises rather than chops up. DH thinks it makes my soups too smooth, so I have reverted to chunky soups (no blender).

What do I need?

OP posts:
BeetheQueenBee · 17/05/2020 17:10

That’s a good point @HardAsSnails That’s why I need you all!

I’ve had another look and it says it has an anti-scratch foot. Looks like the bottom of it is plastic so tempted to get this one but will have a good look first at all the suggestions here as I’m hoping this is going to be a long term buy.

OP posts:
TheSpottedZebra · 17/05/2020 20:02

I prefer stainless steel as the white plastic discolours with butternut squash, carrot and sweet potato!

newtb · 19/05/2020 08:27

Bamix? Not cheap but heavy duty and lasts. You can get special offers that come with extra attachments

Cacacoisfarraige · 19/05/2020 08:40

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BunnytheQueenBee · 05/07/2020 12:06

I bought this Dualit hand blender

I decided a hand blender with chopping attachments would work and this one looks quite smart (plus has vouchers to use for JL)

Thanks everyone for the help

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