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Calling all bread bakers

10 replies

BercowsFlyingFlamingo · 04/02/2020 14:23

Hi, what do you use to keep your bread fresh once baked? I bake 3 loaves a week and don't want to keep using cling film or foil. ThanksSmile

OP posts:
Manchmallehrerin · 05/02/2020 10:17

If you are looking at bread tins then Nisbets are good.

Manchmallehrerin · 05/02/2020 10:16

I freeze mine, although for a couple of days it keeps ok in a bread mug (large ceramic bread pot thing - I inherited it from my GM)

4merlyknownasSHD · 05/02/2020 10:14

I store home made bread in a large poly bag that I do not seal. Let the air move around it otherwise the bag will cause it to sweat and you will then get mold growing.

BercowsFlyingFlamingo · 04/02/2020 22:26

It might last longer that way. I need a better bread knife too. Mine isn't very sharp and I cut thick slices. I love thick sliced bread with butter and good quality jam. I'm out of jam otherwise I'd be eating that right now for a late supper.
Bread is so simple yet such a pleasure.

OP posts:
Littlehouseinthebigcity · 04/02/2020 22:11

I tend to just make round loaves in a cast iron casserole dish. But two smaller loaves could work! That's what my friend does

senua · 04/02/2020 21:08

I use the big plastic bag that panetonne comes in. You should have asked the question a month ago.Grin

BercowsFlyingFlamingo · 04/02/2020 21:00

I've been eyeing up bread tins too. I just do bloomers at the moment but the slices are too big for the toaster. I'm debating g the wisdom of two smaller tins instead of one big one. What do you use?

OP posts:
BercowsFlyingFlamingo · 04/02/2020 18:15

Thank you, I've done just that. It only lasts about 24 hours before it's been devoured so a tea towel should do the job. I've since looked online and Lakeland and amazon do proper bread bags (not plastic) and I might invest in one.

OP posts:
Littlehouseinthebigcity · 04/02/2020 14:35

I too use a tea towel to wrap my bread! Seems to do the job!

fitflopqueen · 04/02/2020 14:25

sour dough baker here, keep wrapped in linen tea towel in bread bin

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