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Are slow cookers a waste of money

87 replies

Moominfan · 17/09/2019 19:40

Do you use one. How often? If you don't use it why not? On a super tight budget at the minute but also trying to make my life easier

OP posts:
LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 19/09/2019 11:45

I made soup and a veggie stew yesterday in mine. An absolute godsend as I’m sicky at the moment.

Disfordarkchocolate · 19/09/2019 11:42

I have a fairly cheap one and use it once a week. I make a chilli or bolognese every week. Brisket or whole chicken less often. I love mine but I need to add more to my repertoire, I use it to batch cook meals my son likes and then freeze portions for quick meals.

Kab30 · 19/09/2019 11:41

Recipes for beef and mushroom casserole and chicken curry please ...please ....xxxxx

GeorgiaGirl52 · 19/09/2019 11:38

Use mine more than I do my oven. Especially when batch cooking. I have a triple slow cooker - three pots with three separate controls - and can cook applesauce with white sugar, applesauce with brown sugar and apple butter all at the same time and please the whole family. same with spaghetti sauce - with meat and mushrooms, without meat and without mushrooms, for example. If the house catches on fire I am saving this first!

windyermummyup · 19/09/2019 11:31

They are amazing! I use mine every day when at work in the winter.

Loads of fab recipes out there. One thing to note is you need far less liquid than oven or stover top cooking. I've found that chillies tend to intensify while other herbs and spices mellow so maybe less chilli than usual and more woody herbs.

The organised mum has some great recipes.

As for meat being overdone or chewy as one poster has said always opt for the longer option on low and it will melt in your mouth x

Nat6999 · 19/09/2019 11:18

A slow cooker & a halogen oven are brilliant for anyone out at work all day or if you like batch cooking if you are on your own. I use my halogen oven more than my normal oven that now is more like an extra cupboard for pans & oven trays, cooks brilliant bacon sandwiches, steaks, toasted sandwiches, sunday roasts.

drspouse · 19/09/2019 11:05

Mine was free so no!

Lyingonthesofainthedark · 19/09/2019 00:13

I have one from Aldi with a ceramic insert, which is heavy. If it breaks, I'm buying one with a non stick lightweight insert in which you can also start things off on the job.

UnderCaffeinated · 18/09/2019 23:53

I love mine. I have this one -www.<a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">

You can take the insert out and put it on the hob if you've got something you need to sear or brown first, then pop it in the slow cooker and it's all been done in the one pan. I make Chilli or Spaghetti Bolognese in it at least once a week and then when its colder I probably use it about 3x a week.

My old one was a cheap one that I loved to use but hated to clean, it was heavy and awkward but this one is a dream, the insert is super light and non-stick. I honestly love it.

jelly79 · 18/09/2019 19:50

Great for batch cooking when you have a few things on the go at once. Or if you have a long day out and want something ready for tea!

I need to buy a new one

Notnownotneverever · 18/09/2019 18:58

Are you a morning person? If yes, then it will be a good buy.
This week I had to work Sunday so I put pulled pork in before work and came home to a cooked Sunday meal without any stress or guilt for not being around to slave over a roast. If you have 15 mins in the morning to prep and switch on at least once a fortnight the you won’t regret it.

ItsJustTheOneSwanActually · 18/09/2019 18:46

I was eyeing up the mincemeat in my basement the other day Lord Grin

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 18/09/2019 18:02

Hmmm I saw some emergency Christmas puds in the back of my cupboard. Would it be too early to... ?

ItsJustTheOneSwanActually · 18/09/2019 17:57

thanks sashh

would be home made (not in uk, can't buy 'em) in a ceramic pudding basin so would do the same - i usually steam it with a saucer underneath

sashh · 18/09/2019 17:30

Xmas pudding - yep easy.

If it's shopbought in one of those plastic tubs fold up a tea towel and make a 'nest' so there is some tea towel under the base so the bottom of the dish isn't in direct contact with the sc bottom, pour boiling water in up to about 1/2 way up the pudding, put the lid on and leave.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 18/09/2019 17:28

Makes a bloody good Dahl!

LifeOfBox · 18/09/2019 17:27

I don’t like the texture of meat cooked in it Lord. Things like skirt of beef tastes 100 times better properly slow cooked in the oven or on the hob imo. I only use mine for a Greek lamb recipe a few times a year.

We don’t eat much meat really - once a week maybe if that.

I am just not a fan, prefer my pressure cooker for pulses etc.

ItsJustTheOneSwanActually · 18/09/2019 16:47

Could you cook a Christmas pudding in one? Instead of 8 hrs steaming on the hob?

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 18/09/2019 16:31

I don’t cook meat in mine - but supposedly tough cuts that need a long, slow cook are rather good.

LifeOfBox · 18/09/2019 16:28

Everyone who is saying they get bad results either have bad cookers, bad recipes or are just bad cooks

That must be it then 🤮. Or perhaps I just don’t like the texture of meat compared to proper slow cooking.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 18/09/2019 15:17

Yup - I have managed to ‘convert’ family and friends to electric one-pot cooking!

Stumpedasatree · 18/09/2019 15:17

Instant pot is far superior. It is a pressure cooker with a slow cooker function. When I got mine I chucked away my slow cooker and my rice cooker and use it pretty much every day, and have done for the last 3 years. I love it.


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dementedma · 18/09/2019 15:14

I use mine a lot. It seems to be fast for a slow cooker though. If i put it on before work there would just be mush left when i got home. Goes on lunchtime or early afternnon. Perfect at weekends.

LordProfFekkoThePenguinPhD · 18/09/2019 15:09

You really just need to adapt recipes because it cooks differently!

Tobeshared · 18/09/2019 15:09

Everyone who is saying they get bad results either have bad cookers, bad recipes or are just bad cooks Grinor maybe we have more refined palates! 😂

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