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What to do with all the Hedgerow Fruits that don’t go in the jelly?

7 replies

NotTheatreFolk · 09/09/2018 11:18

I’m making the BBCgoodfood hedgerow jelly, which asks for all the juice but none of fruit. What can I do with the mush of sloes, blackberries, apples, elderberries, haws, and rosehips that are left? I’m thinking infused vodka, but even that seems a waste of so much loveliness.

The Jelly looks amazing though

Any ideas?

OP posts:
ShrodingersSturdyPyjamas · 09/09/2018 20:58

For rosehips, they need to go through a muslin, the fibres will go straight through a sieve.

It is what they used to use to make itching power. You don't want to eat those.

NotTheatreFolk · 09/09/2018 20:11

Good tip, thank you. I’ll be pushing it all through a sieve

OP posts:
ShrodingersSturdyPyjamas · 09/09/2018 13:29

You need to be careful about the rosehips; you need to make sure the solids aren't used as they have fibres in them.

NotTheatreFolk · 09/09/2018 13:27

That looks amazing. Thank you!

Since I have loads, I think I’m going to go for crumble, squidgy pudding, flavoured vodka and hedgerow ketchup. That’ll be enough to be getting on with Grin

OP posts:
Ricekrispie22 · 09/09/2018 11:49

I never usually get a chance to bake with left over fruit because my DH usually stirs it into his porridge. But if I do manage to get there before he does, I make this

NotTheatreFolk · 09/09/2018 11:35

There’s certainly some great ideas in there, thank you! Since the jelly wanted to drip, and not be squeezed, there will be so much lovely pulp still in there and I hate to see it go to waste. Crumbles and muffins sound like a great idea

OP posts:
sleepismysuperpower1 · 09/09/2018 11:24
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