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Vegetable Crumble or similar recipes?

7 replies

glitterbiscuits · 14/03/2018 16:55

Anyone have anything along these lines?

A savoury crumble or a cobbler?

Trying to think of new family vegetarian dinners

OP posts:
kateandme · 15/03/2018 06:54

oooh new favourite thing is savoury crumbles.
make a stock and roux sauce dash of wine
a cheesie sauce
chicken and bacon
loads of veggies.
fish and white sauce.
add your crumble mixture.or dumpling with some herbs mixed through.
with chicken add some mustard to the cobbler mix
with beef some horseradish
lamb some mint sauce.
adding a nice bit of cheddar or parmesan and even salt and vinegar of cheese and onion crips to the crumble top is lovely.
its a whole new crumble world in this house!!

Mustang27 · 15/03/2018 02:44

Oh wow I'm salivating at the mushroom cobbler. I'm going to make my mil a gluten free version of this. We are both a bit addicted to mushrooms and she is veggie and always looking for something a bit different.

Bloodybridget · 15/03/2018 01:39

I have made lots of savoury crumbles. Nice fillings include leek and mushroom with a bit of cheddar or stilton crumbled in, or bean, carrot and tomato. Obviously you need some liquid, which could just be stock thickened with a roux of flour and butter. Crumble topping is good with some oats and chopped walnuts added, maybe grated Parmesan or strong cheddar too, and use half wholemeal flour.

glitterbiscuits · 14/03/2018 21:07

Brilliant!! Thanks. I would eat all of those.

It’s so easy to repeat the same meals or variations. I don’t think we have ever had a savoury crumble or cobbler.

OP posts:
UrbaneSprawl · 14/03/2018 19:58

...and red dragon pie, a potato-topped stew of aduki beans and veg.

Thanks to Ricekrispie22 I am going to have to rejig the meal plan this week to incorporate some cheddar dumplings somewhere...

Ricekrispie22 · 14/03/2018 19:42 This recipe makes it as a side dish, but you could always adapt it.
This is a veggie stew with dumplings a bit like a cobbler
A gnocchi bake like this is an interesting alternative to a pasta bake

UrbaneSprawl · 14/03/2018 19:42

We love this mushroom cobbler in our house, though I realise mushrooms don’t play well with everyone’s small people. The cheesy-mustardy scone topping is bloody brilliant, though, and you could probably make any sort of vegetable stew to go underneath it.

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