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How much fish do you eat in winter?

24 replies

user1483390742 · 27/02/2018 11:18

Our fish consumption goes down significantly in winter. It just doesn't fill and satisfy my lot when it is freezing outside. They just want meat stews and dumplings, shepherds pies, roasts, etc.
In summer we eat fish most of the time.
Anyone else find this? Ideas for hearty fish dinners welcomed!

OP posts:
kateandme · 03/03/2018 03:37

this is the curry we use.its lovely.

Catinthecorner · 02/03/2018 15:24

Does someone have a fish curry or tagine type recipe they’ll share?

ShowMeTheElf · 02/03/2018 09:49

I got round to making the fish pie last night. DH has been off his food with this awful virus and has lost 9lb over the last week. He ate two great platefuls. result!
Creamy buttery fishiness. Thanks for the thread: a timely reminder as i hadn't made it for ages!

kateandme · 28/02/2018 04:19

salmon and parsley sauce en croute.
tuna in white sauce envelope.basically get your ready rolled square of pastry.lay on baking sheet. make a white sauce,add tuna,sweetcorn.the pour into the middle of the square andbring corners in like an "envelope"it sounds almost weird but its sooooo good and so warming and filling.serve with veg and potatos
fish pie
also a tomato based sauce with salmon peppers courgette,onions, then top with a turmeric curry mix into mustard mash for a warmer fish pie.
lay salmon on bottom of baing dish and top with mac and cheese
serve with jackets.
oven cook a big side of salmon with lemon,garlic,spring onions.serve with noodles
lovely fish leek and potato creamy sauce with pie crust top
serve a fillet with some creamy leeks and chive mash
grill fish fillets and serve atop a chorizo butter beans tomato based sauce.
potato and fish pie with sliced potato hot pot style top
seafood rice.

Blondie1984 · 27/02/2018 23:28

I love kedgeree and then prawn,pea and asparagus risotto - both tick the stodge box for me!

Vitalogy · 27/02/2018 19:02

I agree re fish pie, just had some tonight actually, with peas. I probably have fish a couple of times a week, I'm not eating meat or chicken, so I feel I need it.

AtleastitsnotMonday · 27/02/2018 18:54

Cod wrapped in pancetta is nice and may be more filling.

whatareyoueatingNOW · 27/02/2018 18:32

I have a bottomless dh and he feels the same re fish in winter.

Fish cakes always fill him up because of the quantity of mash

Curry works if I serve it with flatbread and dhal alongside

Fish pie (again mash quantities help)

But otherwise I struggle tbh.

AtleastitsnotMonday · 27/02/2018 15:59

Home made fish cakes can be really filling. I like tuna with sweet potato and chilli.
I also do cod fillets marinated in a mix of curry paste and yoghurt the topped in mango chutney and baked.
Tuna steaks are quite ‘meaty’, lovely with a balsamic glaze.

BevBrook · 27/02/2018 13:43

My boys are eight and ten, so they probably have smaller stomachs right now - we have the bottomless pit teen years to come!

MedicalEnigma · 27/02/2018 11:48

I had fish pie yesterday, it’s one of the most filling and warming winter dishes there is!

Also love koulibiac (sp?) which is fish with a mix similar to kedgeree then wrapped in puff pastry and baked. Proper belly filler that is. But time consuming to make.

We like to have baked fish fillets with stodgy sides in winter too - things like dauphinois or baked potatoes.

I think our fish consumption is level all year, but we just change the format for the seasons.

smoothieooo · 27/02/2018 11:47

I pan fried some sea bass for DS2 and I yesterday. He's not keen on fish that actually looks like fish(!) but I presented it to him skinned (having fried it in a little olive oil and butter, coated in some seasoned flour). Had it with mash and broccoli sautéed in soy sauce and garlic.

My go-to comfort dinner is baked salmon (with lemon and tarragon) and a baked potato, dripping in butter. I've usually got some salmon bits in the freezer (so much cheaper than fresh and cooks in hardly any time).

TrappedInSpace · 27/02/2018 11:43

Salmon and mash goes down well here.

TrappedInSpace · 27/02/2018 11:41

Oily fish is satisfying I find.

Slartybartfast · 27/02/2018 11:40

i find salmon filling

PerfectlySymmetricalButtocks · 27/02/2018 11:34

Sorry, ShowMe! 😂

ShowMeTheElf · 27/02/2018 11:31

I want fish pie so badly right now. I'll be heading to the shops on the way home.
Fish or prawn curry is just as filling as a meaty curry surely?

user1483390742 · 27/02/2018 11:27

Bevbrook- do those meals fill your family up? I have teenage boys who say white fish is like eating air!

OP posts:
Feezles · 27/02/2018 11:27

We've been eating fish curry and fish tagine quite a lot recently. I use frozen cod for them. I find them really lovely in winter, lots of warming sauce and spices soaked into rice/cous cous. Yum!

Kursk · 27/02/2018 11:26

We fish in the summer and stock the freezer up, this year we managed to catch enough for one fish meal a week Oct-Apr.

user1483390742 · 27/02/2018 11:24

We manage to fit in tuna/tinned salmon/ mackerel sandwiches/wraps/pasta for lunches a few times a week. I'm thinking more evening meal.Smile

OP posts:
BevBrook · 27/02/2018 11:24

I don't mean we ate all those things yesterday! They are things we eat in the winter...


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BevBrook · 27/02/2018 11:23

We had fish just yesterday! A kind of fish stew - cod, chorizo, chopped tomato and butterbeans, with green beans and crusty bread.

Also prawn curry, and Jamie Oliver's white fish tagine with couscous from 15 minute meals.

PerfectlySymmetricalButtocks · 27/02/2018 11:20

DD's addicted to fish pie at the moment, and has tuna sandwiches twice a week at club and play scheme.

So, quite a lot! 😂

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