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Home made instant pancake mix

35 replies

PeteMe · 10/11/2017 17:29


Has anyone tried this instant pancake mix recipe from Nigella? Has it come out nice, or do you have one that has worked for you?

OP posts:
LoniceraJaponica · 12/11/2017 22:39

3 tablespoons of baking powder Shock PeteMe. They must taste horrible.

movingtowardsthelight · 12/11/2017 23:00

It sounds very complicated.

Pancakes are so quick and easy. It take a few minutes to throw it together.

For every egg add a heaped tablespoon of any white flour.

Use an electric handheld whisk.

Add a big pinch of salt and a heaped tablespoon of sugar (I use 4 eggs for this but it’s all approximate).

Start whisking the mix and pour in milk, just a little, keep adding milk and whisking on high speed. The idea is to get a smooth paste before you add the remaining milk to desired consistency. This way is lump free.

If you want easy American pancakes it’s the same, except I separate the eggs and use just the yolks to make the batter, keeping it thicker. Whisk the white until foamy and stiff and fold them in. It gives the air you need for American pancakes, almost like a drop scone. You don’t need raising agents as the whisked egg whites do that. Nicer flavour too.

Cook either, straight away or make and store.

Hot pan, little oil spray, 1/3 cup of mix into pan and wait for bubbles to pop. Turn it over and it’s almost immediately ready to eat.

I make up to 30 pancakes every Sunday (large family).

MyDcAreMarvel · 12/11/2017 23:06

I would make it up in advance.

PeteMe · 13/11/2017 10:23

@Playmobilpeacock I think you might be onto something here, especially because it asks for baking soda too. Perhaps if I wanted a higher rise, I should substiute half plain flour for self raising flour? I like high rise fluffy pancakes.

OP posts:
PeteMe · 13/11/2017 10:43

@Playmobilpeacock This is what Nigella Team had to say about the amount of baking powder:

OP posts:
PeteMe · 13/11/2017 17:33

So I tried Nigella's recipe, using 2.5 Tbsp baking powder in the mix rather than 3, and it came out very flat and slightly bitter tasting! I am so so disappointed! :(

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PeteMe · 13/11/2017 17:34

The mixture was also too runny!

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Heratnumber7 · 13/11/2017 17:44

Two and a half tablespoons of baking powder???? ShockShockShock

PeteMe · 13/11/2017 17:45

@Heratnumber7 Yes, that is for the entire mix, so 5 batches of pancakes

OP posts:
Heratnumber7 · 13/11/2017 18:02

That’s still an awful lot though. You sure you don’t mean teaspoons?

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