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Average weekly shopping bill INCLUDING non food items

85 replies

streetface · 14/09/2017 10:08

Hi we are a family of 5. I meal plan and only spend around £50-£60 on evening meals for all of us a week. But my bill is coming in at around £100-£120 a week. This includes:

Showergel, shampoo, conditioner, deoodrant etc
All stuff for packed lunches (rolls, fillings, bars, youghurts etc)
Washing stuff (fabric softener, tablets etc)
Nappies and wipes
Lots of fruit for breakfast and snacks (cherries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas and satsumas)
Bacon, sausages and cereal for breakfasts.
Milk 9 litres and cheese for random things (sandwhiches, toppings on muffins etc)

If you include EVERYTHING you buy in a week for the house can you tell me how much and how many people in your house so I can see if I am overspending please? Thank you very much.

OP posts:
CreativeMumma · 14/09/2017 12:55

About £100-£120 a week for 2 adults & 2 kids. Also plan, do home cooked meals etc and can't really see how to reduce the bill. After the mortgage its are biggest out going.

2littlemoos · 14/09/2017 13:02

2 adults and 2 small toddlers (both in nappies). £60-70 from Sainsburys.

We have a lot of oats which are cheap. Frozen berries. Homemade soups. Eat meat 4x a week.

AdoraBell · 14/09/2017 14:34

I try to keep below £100 per week for 4, 2 of whom are teenagers. That doesn't include dog food though DH gets that.

MusicToMyEars800 · 14/09/2017 14:38

About £120 per week, That is for 2 DC's and 2 adults, Including Wine and all toiletries and household. Also includes stuff for DP's and DC's lunches.

everythingstaken123 · 14/09/2017 14:56

About £140 per week. 2 adults, 2 children under 5, 1 dog. No wine but all household products included. Trying to cut it down to £100 per week. We eat shed loads of fruit and veg and I don't want to compromise too much. If I slept better i might have more brain power to sort it all out.

ohh · 14/09/2017 16:48

Also. I have noticed that even if I meal plan, the children eat all lunches and then raid the fridge when get home. Yet still eat a main dinner!

Wine not included in my original figure as husband gets this so no idea how much he spends on it and don't want to know!

Some weeks £95 others £140 so i just took an average. I cannot believe that people can feed/household stuff 4 adults/teens on £85! Hmm I have a girl that spends easily £20 on hair stuff a month!

If you order everything online from places you get the true cost. Christmas cost us only £189 last year for 8 people 2 nights. Included the alcohol. Wine

TheScottishPlay · 15/09/2017 10:59

Average is about £85-95 per week. I usually do a bigger shop on the weeks I have more days off so I can batch cook etc.

Allthebestnamesareused · 15/09/2017 11:16

£120 for 3 (inc 16 yr old DS) including toiletries, cleaning products and small amount of booze!

eggsbenedict89 · 15/09/2017 11:17

Just the two of us and usually £70-100 per week xx

upperlimit · 15/09/2017 11:29

A stab in the dark would be about £150 for the five of us. But we just shop as and when. Actually, I suspect the reason why I don't look into it too closely as it may be a chunk more.

Nulzo · 21/02/2018 10:05

Family of 4, I spend £40 per week on food including nappies (could spend less but can get free delivery in Sainsbury’s if spend £40 or more - so spend extra on making sure I have spares of everything just in case we run out) and around & £6.50 on cleaning products and toiletries Smile

TheWoollybacksWife · 21/02/2018 10:09

Family of 5. 4 adults and a pre-teen.

I spend about the same as you £120-£130 per week all in.

Saladd0dger · 21/02/2018 10:21

Family of 5. I’d say about 90-100 a week. I have a weekly Tesco delivery. Top up in the week of bread and fruit.

PinkHeart5914 · 21/02/2018 10:28

£150-£170 a week there is Me, Dh, 2 toddlers and 1 new born so the shopping bill does include nappies but no formula as I breastfeed. Also includes any toiletries, cleaning products, toilet roll, washing powder as and when needed but obviously don’t need these every week.

We do buy a lot of fresh fruit and veg though and i do think that bumps the price up, plus 2 bottles of wine a week.

fleshmarketclose · 21/02/2018 10:31

About £80pw for two adults and one teen and then adult dc who come for meals here regularly.

Troika · 21/02/2018 10:34

Ours is roughly £100 a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. That’s all meals for 5 people.

Nulzo what sort of meals do you eat? I’m in awe of you spending only £40 for 4, I’m not sure I could get it that low! I sometimes spend £60 but that’s usually when the cupboards are well stocked and I’m only buying the fresh stuff for that week

Rikalaily · 21/02/2018 10:37

Family of 7, spend around £120-£130 a week

letmepeeinpeace · 21/02/2018 10:39

£80-£90. 1 adult 3 kids. All in

Clutterbugsmum · 21/02/2018 10:49

Family 5 (2 adults, 14, 9, 10) like you between £120 -£140 every 2 weeks includes everything.

Although I also do a big shop every 3 or 4 months about £250 for the store cupboard.

nocutsnobuttsnococonuts · 21/02/2018 11:06

I spend about £260 a month on household/food. 2 adults, 2 children (9 and 6) and 2 cats. I'm on slimming world and dairy intolerant - pretty much eat vegan meals.

I stock up on toiletries/cleaning products when they are on offer or if i go to savers/wilkos. I buy a massive box of wash powder and fabric conditioner which lasts about 6 weeks. I shop at Lidl and sometimes top up in co op.

I meal plan every meal and buy accordingly.

This week for dinners we have spaghetti Bolognese, stir fry, shepherd's pie, halloumi and couscous burgers, jacket potatoes, quorn nuggets and chips, vegetable soup, chilli and rice.

Osquito · 21/02/2018 11:25

2 adults, 1 toddler and DSD10 (here during the weekend) = probably about £85

That’s £60 weekly Tesco food budget, £5 DPs weekend beer, £20 on non-food items & toddlers Nursery dinner money

I try to cook most meals from scratch but DP works long shifts driving so I spend quite a bit on proper deli meat, nice bread and plenty of snacks for him to bring out. I also spend more on fresh veg/fruit to keep the kids snacking healthier... why is it they want the expensive peppers but not carrot sticks?! Hmm

onemouseplace · 21/02/2018 11:28

Ours is about the same - nearer the £120 mark if we buy wine. Family of 5 as well. This includes pretty much all meals though, incl packed lunches for DH.

I have friend who seem to have much smaller shopping bills, but eat out much more than we do.


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Herja · 21/02/2018 11:32

£30. Because that's what there is. I eat a lot of soup and porridge with water. I would be happier with £50 or so.

Herja · 21/02/2018 11:33

That's 1 adult, 2 (small) DC and a cat.

GardenGeek · 21/02/2018 11:36

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