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BLW - How do you start?

4 replies

Autumn78 · 25/02/2007 18:49

I understand that you give normal foods when BLW? But how do you intro it to baby?

Is it a case of one meal instead of giving a bottol/ breast milk you lay out a small plate of spag bol? Or some peices of chicken?

Or do you give some of the milk first and then lay out a plate?

I've got the websites, so will be reading thoes. But I just don't know how to get started?

OP posts:
Autumn78 · 25/02/2007 22:55

This website has cleared things up for me.

Thanks! x

OP posts:
Autumn78 · 25/02/2007 22:29

Thanks for your replies, it's really helpful.

I'm still unsure as what to do with his milk and when to do it? But at least I know for now that I just carry on feeds as normal.

OP posts:
WriggleJiggle · 25/02/2007 19:18

I used to feed dd as usual, then sit her in her high chair when we ate and let her play with a selection of items from our plates.

Oh, before that just used to have her sitting on my knee whilst I was eating and occasionally she'd grab my hand and stuff the food into her mouth.

Try seeing food as in addition to milk, not as a replacement.

lulumama · 25/02/2007 19:11


Dizzybint or Aitch are around.. i am sneaking 5 mins here !!

no it is not one meal instead of milk

food is for fun until you are one !! ie milk is still the main source of nutrition , but you offer food that can be held in the hand instead, a bit of broccoli off your plate from lunch etc

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