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Overnight Oats help!

18 replies

OldLagNewName · 30/06/2016 10:03

I made overnight oats last night, for the first time. One set with maple syrup, oats and milk (for sweet-toothed DS), the other with strawberries, oats and milk. It was okay, but not as lovely as people seem to rave about. It was too runny, but that's easy to fix I guess. And I didn't have any yoghurt in the house, which some recipes seem to favour, so I'll try that. But what else can I do to make it less like oats soaked in milk?!

OP posts:
whois · 02/07/2016 00:23

Yeah I though Bircher and overnight oats was basically the same thing, but Bircher is usually with grated Apple?

Anyway, I like my berry version :-)

Tanaqui · 01/07/2016 20:49

I think overnight oats is just the new name for, and lots of different varieties of, Bircher muesli.

Apparently it is nice with grated carrot and cinnamon but I haven't tried it.

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 01/07/2016 20:30

Apple juice to soak or a grated apple and yogurt, but no milk.

Highlove · 01/07/2016 20:26

Is there a difference between Bircher and overnight oats? I thought they were basically the same thing. (Though I think purists would say Bircher should be all Apple juice and no milk..)

blowmybarnacles · 01/07/2016 19:04

What are overnight oats please?

ChardonnayKnickertonSmythe · 01/07/2016 13:42

That's just good old Bircher Muesli, isn't it.

whois · 01/07/2016 13:40

70g plain yog
35g oats
90g frozen berries

In the fridge all night = YUM

Highlove · 01/07/2016 06:16

Oats, finely grated apple and a few sultanas. Just enough (preferably full fat) milk to cover plus a good dollop of Greek yog. In the morning I add anything interesting I might have knocking about, often some soft fruit. And maybe a few nuts in mine, if not DDs. (The apple and sultanas make it plenty sweet enough for her.)

CaitAgusMadra · 30/06/2016 21:56

"Perfect" no less Wink

Tanaqui · 30/06/2016 20:46

Oh no- I was glad to see i am guardian approved!

CaitAgusMadra · 30/06/2016 18:39

I re-read after I posted and realised that! Sorry.

Tanaqui · 30/06/2016 18:18

That's pretty much what I do Cait!

CaitAgusMadra · 30/06/2016 17:32

I like this recipe - it's basically overnight oats with Apple. Delicious and you can change the dried fruit and nuts for some variety

MrsMulder · 30/06/2016 15:39

I always use natural yoghurt instead of milk and a bit of honey too

Tanaqui · 30/06/2016 15:31

I put just enough milk or Apple juice over the oats to just soften them, then in the morning stir into yoghurt with grated apple or other fruit, possibly some nuts.

OldLagNewName · 30/06/2016 15:26

I didn't really measure the milk, just chucked it in, but I definitely used too much. I was thinking roughly 1:3, which is what I do for porridge, but I'll try 1:2 next and then work down.

I'll try blending it too, thanks.

OP posts:
PinkyPlumet · 30/06/2016 10:14

I add almond milk and a little bit of yoghurt, blend it in the nutri bullet then put it in a jar and add honey and berries the next day Smile

NotAUserNumberSoNotATroll · 30/06/2016 10:11

Try adding peanut butter (then chopped banana in the morning or cocoa powder.
What ratio of oats to milk did you use? I use 1:1 and it takes ages to chew, DH prefers 1:2. You might need a few experiments before you find your preference

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