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Simple tasty lentil soup please

29 replies

IckleBones · 20/11/2014 21:35

Looking to make lentil soup this weekend but would rather trust some experienced home cookery over some online recipes site.

Anyone like to share their lentil or other home favourite recipes?

OP posts:
5madthings · 21/11/2014 08:31

I use red lentils and put them
in raw. No pre cooking can't be arsed with that.

CogitoErgoSometimes · 21/11/2014 09:52

Red lentils cook to a fluff in about 15 minutes. No point pre-soaking. Green lentils take about 40 mins and, if you want to speed up the cooking time, you can pre-soak them. But in the context of a leisurely soup, lentils can just go in as they are.

IckleBones · 21/11/2014 10:43

Hugoagogo I love Dahl

OP posts:
IckleBones · 21/11/2014 10:45

I will be using red lentils, looking forward to making it tomorrow and I will let you know the results. Smile
Think I will screen shot your suggestions too incase my thread disapears in time.

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