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Could we have a crumble thread please?

28 replies

MagratsHair · 16/08/2014 18:48

I tried to buy blackberries today to put them in a crumble with some apples, but they are non existent in Tescos atm. I'm going to use defrosted cherries instead but although I bake lots I'm not really experienced in crumbles & am not sure what fruit is good or not. There's a damson tree nearby, would they be good in the autumn?

Inspire me, what's your favourite crumble?

OP posts:
smokedgarlic · 14/10/2014 08:58

Nigel Slater's strawberry and almond crumble is gorgeous and a brilliant way to use up fruit that is going a bit squashy

DeeCrepid · 14/10/2014 08:50

Has anyone tried Crump instead of Crumble?
For a family sized Crump I put:-

8 heaped tablespoons of plain flour,
200g of butter,
200g granulated sugar.
Cooked apples (with blackberries if preferred)

Put flour in bowl, make a hole in the flour add chopped butter and sugar and pop in a hot oven until the butter has melted. Take it out mix it up well and then spread over the top of cooked apples. (I prefer to use unsweetened cooking apples) put in 180c oven until golden and crisp.

My family prefer it to Crumble.

Hollycopter · 13/10/2014 18:08

Apple with with stem ginger is lovely, so is plum crumble.

mairimack · 13/10/2014 18:02

Definitely pear and chocolate crumble. Crushed pineapple is also a good one.

happypotamus · 13/09/2014 12:59

We have boxes of blackberries and bags of apple puree from my parents' garden in the freezer (my mum brings more every time she sees us), so I made this

It is nice, and you can make the crumble, then cook the fruit, then put it all together and bake while you are eating dinner so it is done when you finish. I intend to make another today at DD's request, and now I have some other crumble ideas from the thread for when/ if we ever finish the apples and blackberries. I particularly like the idea of pear and chocolate or tinned peach and pineapple.

BaconAndAvocado · 08/09/2014 21:30

Yum, like,the idea of grated lemon zest in the crumble,mix.

Have also used crumbled pecans too, think it was a Nigella recipe for plum crumble.

Catsmamma · 08/09/2014 21:15

pears with chocolate crumble....sub in a couple of tbs of cocoa for flour...makes a damned mess of your fingernails though.

TyneTeas · 08/09/2014 21:10

I sometimes finely grate some lemon zest into my crumble mix - yum!

BaconAndAvocado · 08/09/2014 21:00

Frozen fruits of the forest (defrosted!) with a tin of peaches.

Also use a ready made crumble mix from M and S that you mix which butter, ruddy delicious,

MagratsHair · 17/08/2014 09:34

AgathaF Possibly because some people live in the middle of cities & any wild brambles have been choked by exhaust fumes & are not fit to eat.

OP posts:
KatharineClover · 17/08/2014 00:14

Apple, sultana and cinnamon
Apple and pear
Rhubarb and raspberry
Banana and tinned apricots

fackinell · 16/08/2014 21:40

I buy the mixed berries from the freezer section, they don't seen to lose anything in taste. I soak them overnight in Pimms and call it my tipsy crumble. It's fabulous!! Smile

AgathaF · 16/08/2014 21:07

We've just had a blackberry picking session from some hedgerows locally today. I can't imagine why people buy them really.

PoppyAmex · 16/08/2014 21:05

Like most fruit, but the favourite combo is rhubarb and strawberries.

For the topping - ground almond, flaked almond, oats and/or ginger biscuits.

Dolallytats · 16/08/2014 21:01

Oooo, gooseberry or plum crumble...lovely!

PigletJohn · 16/08/2014 20:54

crumbles have a lot of sugar and butter so IMO are better with a tart fruit, such as gooseberries, rhubarb or green Granny Smiths. Raspberries will do.

Not something sweet like bananas or peaches.

Northumberlandlass · 16/08/2014 20:49

Ooo Addicted, I will send boys out this week foraging Smile

lk26 · 16/08/2014 20:45

Morrisons have lovely blackberries in now. I have a big blackberry bush ! In the garden. I love brambling with the kids. We have some out already and I am very far north.

scratchandsniff · 16/08/2014 20:40

I quite often used tinned pears with a sprinkling of ginger or cinnamon. Oh I really want crumble and custard now.

Timeforabiscuit · 16/08/2014 20:37

I do not hold with mucking around with crumble - but Michel roux lightly cooks the fruit and then bakes the crumble topping seperately .

You then put together, heat through and serve.

I hate soggy crumble and mine is now epic!

Mrsgrumble · 16/08/2014 20:34

I use fruit of the forest frozen berries in a crumble fairly regularly along with pear or apple.

Always put a good bit of cinnamon into th crumble part.

addictedtosugar · 16/08/2014 20:32

Northumberlandlass - assuming you live where your name suggests, we were eating blackberries less than 100 miles south of you last week.

Banana crumble? I like cooked bananas, but I'm not sure.


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WhispersOfWickedness · 16/08/2014 19:36

Any fruit is good, tbh, I've not tried one yet that doesn't work in a crumble Smile (Ok, now I've thought about it, melons probably aren't brilliant in a crumble, and probably some other exotic fruits Grin)
Anyway, cherries or damsons will be lovely, you just need to adjust the sugar level, depending on how tart the fruit is. Raspberry and apple is gorgeous Grin

Northumberlandlass · 16/08/2014 19:25

I haven't seen many brambles out yet...but I have been on holiday for 2 weeks!
Ooo love picking brambles for apple crumble! Smile Autumn is definitely here

AliceDoesntLiveHereAnymore · 16/08/2014 19:24

tinned peach or apples generally. tinned peaches are pretty inexpensive, so that's usually my option.

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