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So much Brie

12 replies

Namechangedforthisohyesidid · 13/08/2014 17:07

Help. Real first world problem. Had a baby and people keep bringing me Brie. any recipe ideas for me anyone?

OP posts:
quesadillas · 13/08/2014 18:01

Unwrap brie and place in hand. Eat.

I'm sure that's no help whatsoever but I was desperate for brie when pregnant and pretty much did that!

UptoapointLordCopper · 13/08/2014 18:37

Brie on toast?

Brie and grape (and bacon if you can bothered) sandwiches?

Or brie recipes though they don't look very inspiring.

These ones look better.

beccajoh · 13/08/2014 18:39

Brie toastie. You could get all fancy and add bacon or tomatoes and basil. Hot Brie sticks to your mouth like glue, but it's tasty. You can freeze it.

mkmjimmy · 14/08/2014 11:04

It freezes quite well.

TwigletFiend · 14/08/2014 14:21

Brie, bacon and cranberry filo parcels. Yum!

ObfusKate · 14/08/2014 14:23

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missmargot · 14/08/2014 14:27

Breadcrumbs and bake?

13greentomatoes · 15/08/2014 18:33

Brie and bacon sarnie with chutney ... mmmmmm

2kidsintow · 15/08/2014 18:54

Brie on crackers with cranberry sauce.

I want some brie now.

FiveGoMadInDorset · 15/08/2014 18:56

Get it to how ripe you want it and then freeze.

Namechangedforthisohyesidid · 16/08/2014 13:58

I complained about nt being able to have soft blue cheese so I assume non stinky cheese eaters think all stinky cheese is the same?

OP posts:
eeky · 21/08/2014 04:16

Would never be a problem here...! Freeze it in portions, or bake in oven in a shallow dish with maybe some fresh thyme and drizzle of wine. Let cool to just below molten temp, then scoop up with crusty bread and crudités (Apple, celery and fennel best IMHO)

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