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Travelling with a 1 year old with no access to kitchen at the hotel - what food to carry

6 replies

Maneks · 16/04/2014 14:58

I am travelling within the UK for a 3-day vacation with a 1 year old. I will not have access to the kitchen or refridgerator. I was wondering if you guys can suggest food items that I can carry that will be nutritous as well as keep my baby full. I am already planning to carry a whole host of fruits, weetabix, Cow and Gate porridge packs. Any additional ideas are appreciated. Thanks a bunch in advance! xxx

OP posts:
McIngOutTheEasterBunny · 16/04/2014 15:03

I recently did this with 21 month old dd, with no kitchen access. Breakfast consisted of pouches of fruit, like Ellas kitchen, and mini cereal bags which she picked at.

During the day wasn't so bad as I could feed her whilst out. My main stress, was morning/evening milk. So what I did for that was buy a 1pt milk on the way back to the hotel, then warm with boiled water. And then kept it cool in a sink of freezing cold water. Thankfully, that seemed to work and dd didn't get ill Blush

hillyhilly · 16/04/2014 15:04

I used to use Ambrosia pots of rice pudding as desserts or snacks, they don't need to be chilled and are reasonably filling

Knackeredmum13 · 16/04/2014 15:10

Rice cakes, bananas, bread sticks.

bouncinbean · 16/04/2014 19:18

We did a 2 day road journey (twice!) with a 10 month old. Although I don't usually use packets we got a few for the 'main' meal of the day as they don't need to be refrigerated and can be eaten at room temp. Her favourite seemed to be the Plum brand - chicken and chickpeas was a big hit! Sliced loaf and small tub of philadelphia and jar of peanut butter was a lighter meal. Bananas, tangerines and pears were good as she could bite them herself and they didn't need to be cut up for her. We had some mango porridge packs for breakfasts. Then some child biscuits and fruit smoothie pouches for snacks if needed.
For milk we used cartons on the journey as they don't need prep and can be given at room temp.

Maneks · 17/04/2014 09:40

Hiya, thanks a ton for all your input! Very helpful! Shall go looking for items listed by ou right away, and hopefully it will work for my son:) Thanks again, and enjoy your Easter breaks:)

OP posts:
Minion · 17/04/2014 09:59

When my friend did this she asked the people she was staying with, ie in the b&b if they could store some stuff and every night freeze some ice blocks for her cool box?
Any good for you?
I don't know why accommodation you're staying in obviously so feel free to ignore if not possible.
Have fun!

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