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Could someone kindly supply me with a simple recipe for root vegetable soup.

4 replies

navada · 02/12/2012 21:29

Absolute beginner -

Many thanks Smile

OP posts:
navada · 03/12/2012 08:16

Thank you all - much appreciated

Xmas Smile

OP posts:
sunmoonstarstoo · 02/12/2012 23:48

I put mine in the slow cooker for 8 hours.

Chop up an onion, 3 carrots, 2 parsnips, 2 leeks, a Swede (or whatever veg you fancy), add 2.5 pints veg stock and 2 bay leaves, a little pepper. After cooking remove bay leaves, put soup in blender. So easy and so tasty.

ViperInTheManger · 02/12/2012 23:36

2 leeks, 3 carrots and half a swede, all chopped. Melt 1oz butter in a large pan, add veg, stir till coated and cook for a few minutes till softening. Sprinkle over 1oz flour and mix in. Add 1 pint chicken or vegetable stock, stir well and simmer till veg is really soft. Blend to a puree. Add a quarter pint of milk and a splosh of double cream.

It is gorgeous.

wonderstuff · 02/12/2012 23:29

Chop up root veg. Add stock. Season. Pop on hob until veg are cooked. Enjoy.
That's my one and only soup recipe - its really nice.

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