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Can I make scones with plain flour?

9 replies

MumblingRagDoll · 12/06/2011 16:40

and baking powder? can you help me please? I don't know how! Any recipies?
I need scone badly! Grin

OP posts:
HipHopOpotomus · 13/06/2011 23:26

My reciepe has 2 tsp baking powder per cup of plain flour.

MumblingRagDoll · 12/06/2011 22:03

I did a recipie with 80z flour and 3 tsps of baking powder..they were nice but not very risen...will try again!

OP posts:
MoreBeta · 12/06/2011 17:05

Wow! Maybe I need to use more. [ grin]

DaisySteiner · 12/06/2011 17:04

I add 3 tsp bp to 8oz flour. I actually think this works better than using self-raising and tastes better too.

MoreBeta · 12/06/2011 16:59

I use one really heaped up tsp to 500g of flour. Maybe use a bit more if it is baking powder that has been in the cupboard a while as it gradually loses its power.

MadamDeathstare · 12/06/2011 16:59

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Indith · 12/06/2011 16:58

A teaspoon or 2 should be fine.

MumblingRagDoll · 12/06/2011 16:52

Oh really? But how much baking powder do I use?

OP posts:
Indith · 12/06/2011 16:42

Self raising flour is just plain flour with a raising agent added. So long as you have a rasing agent such as baking powder then you can use plain flour to make anything you like.

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